Data Modifiers
The data comes in different shapes and sizes from all over the internet, so its format needs to be adjusted to make it accessible to the dashboard. Instead of manually parsing the data, there is an option to use the DataModifiers
. Those modifiers allow the user to modify the data on the initial load and the end user to modify visible data through the GUI. Each of the modifiers is accessible through the main Dashboards package, except for the MathModifier
, which is the most complex one and requires loading a separate module from
. Each of the modifiers can be connected to every type of connector.
Where is the modifier defined?
The modifier is attached to the connector defined in the dataPool in its options.
Types of modifiers
The types of modifiers that are available are:
- Chain
- Range
- Invert
- Math
- Sort
How to add the modifier?
To add the modifier, specify it in the connector options.
connector: {type: 'CSV',id: 'connector-id',options: {//... other optionsdataModifier: {type: 'Math' // or 'Invert'|'Math' etc,// additional modifier options}}}
The modifier modifies the table.modified
property of the connector, leaving the original data unchanged so that it can be restored if needed.
What does each of the modifiers do?
Here is a brief description of each of the modifiers:
Allows the combination of multiple modifiers in the same connector. This is useful if you need to perform multiple operations on the same dataset. In the chain
property, you can define the order and configuration objects of the modifiers that should be applied to the modifier. Here is an example usage of this modifier:
dataModifier: {type: 'Chain',chain: [{// ... Another modifier options}, {// ... Another modifier options}]}
Can filter the data by minimal and maximal values. It works both for numbers and alphanumerical values. The column
option specifies from which column the values should be used to perform filtering, and the minValue
and maxValue
specify the range limits. Here is an example:
dataModifier: {type: 'Range',ranges: [{column: 'year',minValue: '1961',maxValue: '2021'}]}
Allows flipping the data and replacing the columns with rows. This is handy when rows structure your data, and you want to present it by columns. No other options need to be specified here. Example:
dataModifier: {type: 'Invert'}
This is the only modifier delivered as a separate module. It allows for performing complex math calculations and adding columns of values calculated based on the existing values. It uses commands similar to those found in spreadsheets like Excel. You can read more in the MathModifier Article. Example:
dataModifier: {type: 'Math',columnFormulas: [{column: 'USD',formula: 'B1*C1' // Multiply EUR (B1) with the rate (C1)}]}
This modifier rearranges the order of the rows based on the content of any selected column. The sorting order is either ascending or descending. Example:
dataModifier: {type: 'Sort',direction: 'desc', // 'desc' or 'asc', default 'asc'orderByColumn: 'y' // Default: 'y'orderInColumn: '' // Optional}
Original and Modified Table relations
Every modified table contains two methods that allow you to manage the relationships between the rows of the original and modified tables:
- Takes the original row index as an argument and returns the local row index in the modified table for which this function is called.getOriginalRowIndex
- Takes the local row index (in the modified table for which it is called) as an argument and returns the index of the corresponding row in the original table.
Example demos
You can check the modifiers in action with the following demos: