Official Highcharts® Integrations

At Highcharts, we believe that good software tools make developers’ lives easier. We’ve found reasons to fall in love with virtually every framework out there!

That’s why we’ve developed official Highcharts integrations for frontend frameworks including Angular, React, Vue and more. Or incorporate Highcharts as a native component in your mobile or server-side projects with our integrations for iOS, Android, PHP, .NET and more.

Our official integrations come with the quality and support that makes Highcharts a favorite in the developer community. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Use these integrations in your next project.

Official Highcharts Integrations

Feature Support Table

The table below shows the Highcharts libraries and features supported by each of our official integrations.

Highcharts JSHighcharts MapsHighcharts StockHighcharts GanttA11YBoostOffline ExportingData ExportDraggable Points
React JSyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

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Robustify Highcharts

Additional product Highcharts Maps

Create interactive map charts with drill-down and touch support.

Map Image

Additional product Highcharts Stock

Create stock or general timeline charts for any web and mobile project.

Stock image

Additional product Highcharts Gantt

Create interactive charts for allocating and displaying tasks, events, and resources along a timeline.

Gantt image

Additional product Highcharts Dashboards

Development library pre-loaded with time-saving features that will save you hours of development time on your dashboard projects.

Highcharts Dashboards

Highcharts Advantage+

Highcharts Advantage+ gives you access to the resources and expertise you need to make your Highcharts implementation fast and frustration free.

Highcharts advantage

Add-on Export Server

Allow your users to download the chart as PDF, PNG, JPG or SVG vector images, and more.

Export Server