Adding points and lines

Map points and lines are added to the map by points or arrays of longitude and latitude. Highcharts Maps since v10 uses the GeoJSON geometry definitions for defining points and linestrings:

Map point definition

For a map point data point, the shorthand point configuration is to set the lon and lat properties directly in the options.

type: 'mappoint',
data: [{
lon: 4.90,
lat: 53.38,
name: 'Amsterdam'
}, {
lon: -118.24,
lat: 34.05,
name: 'LA'

The long configuration is to add a geometry where the coordinates is a tuple of longitude and latitude, and the type is Point. The reason why Highcharts supports both forms, is that the geometry definition allows applying maps directly from GeoJSON and TopoJSON sources.

type: 'mappoint',
data: [{
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [4.90, 53.38]
name: 'Amsterdam'
}, {
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-118.24, 34.05]
name: 'LA'

Map line definition

For map lines, add a geometry of type LineString or MultiLineString. When LineString, the coordinates should be a two-dimensional array of longitude-latitude tuples, while a MultiLineString requires a three-dimensional coordinates array.

Note that, depending on the projection, a map line between two points may render as a curve. This is because Highcharts renders the geodesic, the shortest path between two points on the Earth's surface.

type: 'mapline',
data: [{
geometry: {
type: 'LineString',
coordinates: [
[4.90, 53.38], // Amsterdam
[-118.24, 34.05] // Los Angeles


The above geometry examples can be viewed live in the Projection Explorer, where the geodesic rendering is also shown. The mapline series type main demo shows how mapline geometries are loaded from a TopoJSON map source.


Prior to v10, the coordinate system used in most of our maps was a custom one, where both the X and Y values ranged from 0 to some thousands. This still applies when loading GeoJSON maps rather than TopoJSON maps from the Map Collection. With the support of the proj4js library, points could be placed by the lon and lat options. Without proj4.js, points were added as x, y pairs on the same coordinate system as the map. Maplines however were given as paths.