Wind barbs

Wind barbs visualize wind speed and direction in one graphical form. The stem direction defines the wind direction, while the barbs’ numbers and shapes define the wind speed.

For more detailed samples and documentation check the API.

Click here to check the code.

Data structure

Each wind barb point has an x, a value, and a direction.

The value sets the wind speed in meter per second. The resulting graphic, by convention, adds a full barb for each 10 knots (5,14 m/s) and a half barb for each 5 knots (2.57 m/s).

The direction is given in degrees, where 0 is a northerly wind, pointing towards the south.

Other options

  • onSeries: allows drawing the wind barb next to another series in the chart, typically a line or area series representing the wind speed. Otherwise, it is rendered on top of the X axis. For more details click here.
  • vectorLength: sets the pixel length of the stems. For more details click here.
  • yOffset is a pixel offset, preventing the barbs from covering the underlying series or axis. For more details click here.

See the full set of options in the API.