Network graph

Network graph (force directed graph) is a mathematical structure (graph) to show relations between points in an aesthetically-pleasing way. The graph visualizes how subjects are interconnected with each other. Entities are displayed as nodes and the relationship between them are displayed with lines. The graph is force directed by assigning a weight (force) from the node edges and the other interconnected nodes get assigned a weighted factor. The graph simulates the weight as forces in a physical system, where the forces have impact on the nodes and find the best position on the chart’s plotting area. The Network Graph has various use case such as display relations between people, roads, companies, and products.

Getting started

Add modules/networkgraph.js after you have included Highcharts.

Example of loading both files in a webpage

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Data format

The Network Graph needs a data format that builds up an array of links, where each link is specified by a start and an end node.

series: [{
data: [
{from: 'A', to: 'B'},
{from: 'A', to: 'C'},
{from: 'A', to: 'D'},
{from: 'A', to: 'E'},
{from: 'A', to: 'F'},
{from: 'A', to: 'G'},
{from: 'B', to: 'C'},

See simple Network Graph demo

See a Network Graph with a more complex data structure. Notice: You don't have to specify the from: and to: property for each point when you define the keys: option for plotOptions.networkgraph.keys

Algorithm options

Forces and the algorithm are configured using series.layoutAlgorithm options:

  • attractiveForce series.layoutAlgorithm.attractiveForce - function that returns the force between two connected nodes.
  • enableSimulation series.layoutAlgorithm.enableSimulation - enables/disables simulation.
  • friction series.layoutAlgorithm.friction - friction to show smooth animation of nodes translations.
  • gravitationalConstant series.layoutAlgorithm.gravitationalConstant - constant for barycenter forces applied on nodes.
  • maxIterations series.layoutAlgorithm.maxIterations - max number of iterations that algorithm will be running.
  • initialPositions series.layoutAlgorithm.initialPositions - algorithm for initial placement of nodes (can be one of predefined or a custom function).
  • repulsiveForce series.layoutAlgorithm.repulsiveForce - function that returns the force between two nodes.
  • type series.layoutAlgorithm.type - only reingold-fruchterman available at this moment.

Since version 7.1 additional configuration options are available:

  • approximation - when rendering a huge number of nodes, recommended to approximate repulsive forces to decrease complexity from O(N^2) to O(N log N).
  • theta - used in Barnes-Hut approximation to determine when the force on nodes should be approximated or calculated directly.
  • integration - forces integration type. Changes how force is applied on nodes changing the animation too. Note that different integrations have different default attractiveForce and repulsiveForce options.
  • maxSpeed - max speed that node can have in one iteration, preventing small and disconnected nodes to run too fast. Verlet integration only

See the demo below, for a network graph with custom algorithm options applied

  • link - style options for links/connections (link.width, link.color and link.dashStyle).
  • draggable series.draggable - enables/disables drag&drop for nodes.

Node Configuration Options

Nodes are generated automatically from connections. Nodes are instances of Highcharts.Point and are available from the series.nodes array.

In addition to auto-generated properties, custom properties such as color or colorIndex can be set by adding an array, series.nodes, to the series options and linking nodes by id. For example: data-option

Datalabels Options

Since v7.1 dataLabels are available for both, nodes and links, list of new options:

  • linkFormat dataLabels.linkFormat - format for the dataLabels on links (string).
  • linkFormatter dataLabels.linkFormatter - formatter for the dataLabels on links (function).
  • linkTextPath dataLabels.linkTextPath - options for the dataLabels on link if text should be rendered along the link.
  • textPath dataLabels.textPath - options for the dataLabels on node if text should be rendered around the node.

Use Cases

Use Case 1

Simple example

chart: {
type: 'networkgraph'
series: [{
data: [
['A', 'B'],
['B', 'C'],
['C', 'A']

Customized length between points and colored links:

chart: {
type: 'networkgraph'
plotOptions: {
networkgraph: {
layoutAlgorithm: {
linkLength: 50 // in pixels
link: {
color: 'red'
series: [{
data: [
['A', 'B'],
['B', 'C'],
['C', 'A']

See the demo below for a network graph with customized styled links per data series.

Use Case 2

Comparison of both integrations, Euler and Verlet:

Use Case 3

dataLabels around the nodes:

Use Case 4

dataLabels on links: