
A histogram series is a graphical representation of the data distribution. Histogram creates intervals (bins) and counts how many values fall into each bin.

For more detailed samples and documentation check the API.

Click here to check the code.

How to create a Histogram

The histogram requires the following module modules/histogram-bellcurve.js.

The histogram series is a column series with no padding between the columns and with self-setting data. Unlike most other Highcharts series, the data property is not available - it is set internally based on the base series data (more precisely y values of the data).

Two steps are required to create an Histogram chart:

  1. Set the series type to histogram 2. Set baseSeries to the right data series’ id or index.

    series: [{
    type: histogram,
    xAxis: 1,
    yAxis: 1,
    baseSeries: 1
    }, {
    data: [3.5, 3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.4]

Histogram chart specific options

A histogram series has two additional options:

  • binsNumber: to suggest how many bins the histogram should create. binsNumber can be a number or a function which returns a number or one of the string: square-root, sturges or rice.
  • binWidth: to control the width of each bin. binWidth takes precedence over binsNumber.

For the full set of options, see the API.

Histogram using pre-aggregated data

A histogram chart can also be created using a column chart if the data is already pre-aggregated.
Use the following setting to set up a histogram chart with a column chart:

plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
groupPadding: 0,
shadow: false