Installation with ES6 modules
Our product packages are available as ES6-compatible modules since Highcharts v6.1. Core files can also be loaded directly as ES modules since Highcharts v11.3. The latter allows you to make use of tree shaking to only load or bundle what is needed and reduce download and package sizes.
Note: If you code with TypeScript, please take a look at our TypeScript article for details about ESM bundling and type adjustments.
Including a product package (ES6 module)
For debugging and development purposes you can load core files directly in your browser page and make use of tree shaking. Please note that this results in a decreased download size but in an increased delay caused by the amount of (small) files to load. This approach is therefore not recommended for production.
<script type="module">import Chart from '';import LineSeries from '';// Example to create a simple line chart in a div#container:new Chart('container', { series: [{ data: [1, 2, 3]}] });</script>
Creating a custom bundle (ES6 module)
The advantage of core files over packages is, that only the required features are loaded. This reduces the total download size. We can create a bundle of all files to improve the load size and load time further. Create a NodeJS project and install Highcharts and Webpack as NPM packages.
For a line chart create the JavaScript files as shown below.
// mychart.jsimport Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import LineSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Line/LineSeries.js';// Example to create a simple line chart in a div#container:const myChart = new Chart('container', {series: [{type: 'line',data: [1, 2, 3]}]});
// webpack.config.jsmodule.exports = {entry: './mychart.js',mode: 'production',output: {filename: 'mybundle.js',// automatically placed in the subfolder 'dist'},};
Create the bundle by running node webpack -c webpack.config.js
and load the
result in your web page.
<div id="container"></div><script type="module" src="./dist/mybundle.js"></script>
For a column chart or pie chart, the code of mychart.js
looks similar.
// mychart.jsimport Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import ColumnSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js';// Example to create a simple column chart in a div#container:const myChart = new Chart('container', { series: [{ type: 'column', data: [1, 2, 3]}] });
// mychart.jsimport Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import PieSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Pie/PieSeries.js';// Example to create a simple pie chart in a div#container:const myChart = new Chart('container');const mySeries = new PieSeries();mySeries.init(myChart, { data: [1, 2, 3] });
Optional functionality via compositions
Unlike packages the core files do not provide all functionality out of the box. You can find details about optional functionality in the source code of product packages.
Do as below to activate data labels for example.
import Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import LineSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Line/LineSeries.js';import DataLabel from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Series/DataLabel.js';DataLabel.compose(LineSeries);
import Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import ColumnSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Column/ColumnSeries.js';import ColumnDataLabel from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Column/ColumnDataLabel.js';ColumnDataLabel.compose(ColumnSeries);
import Chart from 'highcharts/es-modules/Core/Chart/Chart.js';import PieSeries from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Pie/PieSeries.js';import PieDataLabel from 'highcharts/es-modules/Series/Pie/PieDataLabel.js';PieDataLabel.compose(PieSeries);
Advantage of tree shaking
Tree shaking, by loading core files directly, helps to reduce the size of files to download and reduces the size of your project. It is especially useful when only a specific chart type is needed. See the following comparison for our examples.
Bundle (compiled+gzipped) | Download Size | Saving |
highcharts.js | 100,509 bytes | 0% |
LineSeries.js | 78,268 bytes | 22% |
ColumnSeries.js | 80,046 bytes | 20% |
PieSeries.js | 83,085 bytes | 17% |
If your project fails because of missing Highcharts code, a compose call
might be necessary after loading one of the module files. Consult the source
code of our product packages in highcharts/es-modules/masters
for details.
Dynamic imports from CDN
Highcharts is available on our CDN as ECMAScript modules. You can import ES modules directly in modern browsers
without any bundling tools by using <script type="module">
<script type="module">import Highcharts from '';import '';Highcharts.chart('container', {...});</script>
The following example shows dynamic import with lazy-loading:
const loadHighchartsAndCreateChart = async () => {const { default: Highcharts } =await import('');await import('');await import('');await import('');Highcharts.chart('container', { /* options */ });};
View it live on jsFiddle in our async loading demo;
Load Highcharts as a transpiled ES6/UMD module
Since Highcharts supports ES6 (ESM - ECMAScript modules) and UMD (AMD, CommonJS), it can be also loaded as a module with the use of transpilers. Two common transpilers are Babel and TypeScript. The following examples assume you have used npm to install Highcharts; see installation with npm for more details.
import Highcharts from 'highcharts';// Alternatively, this is how to load Highstock. Highmaps and Highcharts Gantt are similar.// import Highcharts from 'highcharts/highstock';// Load the exporting module.import Exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';// Initialize exporting module. (CommonJS only)Exporting(Highcharts);// Generate the chartHighcharts.chart('container', {// options - see});
TypeScript + UMD
import Highcharts from 'highcharts';// Alternatively, this is how to load Highstock. Highmaps and Highcharts Gantt are similar.// import Highcharts from 'highcharts/highstock';// Load the exporting module.import Exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';// Initialize exporting module. (CommonJS only)if(typeof Exporting === 'function') {Exporting(Highcharts);}// Generate the chartHighcharts.chart('container', {// options - see});
{"compilerOptions": {"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,"module": "umd","moduleResolution": "node"}}
TypeScript + ESM from CDN
// Load modules the ES6 wayimport Highcharts from '';import '';// Generate the chartHighcharts.chart('container', {// options - see});
{"compilerOptions": {"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,"esModuleInterop": true,"baseUrl": "./","module": "es6","moduleResolution": "node","target": "es6","paths": {"*.src.js": ["node_modules/highcharts/*.src"]}}}