
A Sunburst displays hierarchical data, where a level in the hierarchy is represented by a circle. The center represents the root node of the tree. The visualization bear a resemblance to both treemap and pie charts.


The sunburst chart requires the following module modules/sunburst.js.


Click here to get an overview of all options available for the sunburst series.

Data structure

The data is structured as a Tree, where each point represents a node. Each node can have its own children.

The tree automatically has one node at the top representing the root node. If a point has an undefined parent, or the parent is not matching any id, the parent will be automatically set to the root node.

The following is an example of how the tree is built in Highcharts:

data: [{
name: 'I have children',
id: 'id-1'
}, {
name: 'I am a child',
parent: 'id-1',
value: 2
}, {
name: 'I am a smaller child',
parent: 'id-1',
value: 1

Work with levels

The levels option gives the ability to set options on a specific level. This comes in handy whenever all points which lies on a certain level in the data tree, should stand out and differ from the rest of the points in the series.

Below is an example where the first level will use have colorByPoint: true, and the rest will default to colorByPoint: false and thereby inherit its color from the parent.

var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
series: [{
levels: [{
level: 1,
colorByPoint: true

Static or dynamic levels

levelIsConstant is an option used together with the levels and allowDrillToNode options. By default it is set to true. When set to false the first level visible when drilling is considered to be level one. Otherwise the level will be the same as in the tree structure.

Traversing through levels

When the allowTraversingTree option is true, clicking on a point will set that point as the rendered root node. To help navigate through levels, breadcrumbs are rendered, showing a single button to the previous level or the full path back to the root node.

Read more about the breadcrumbs here.