CoreLine charts
CoreArea charts
CoreColumn and bar charts
Basic bar chart
Basic column
Bar race
Stacked and grouped column
Column range
Column with negative values
Column with drilldown
Fixed placement columns
Column comparison
Stacked column
Column with rotated labels
Data defined in a HTML table
Radial bar chart
Stacked bar
Stacked percentage column
Bar with negative stack
Force chart (Stacked bar)
CorePie charts
CoreScatter and bubble charts
CoreStyled mode (CSS styling)
CoreAudio charts
CoreDynamic charts
Core3D charts
CoreHeat and tree maps
CoreTrees and networks
CoreMore chart types
Lollipop series
Horizontal organization chart
Arc Diagram
Polar (radar) chart
Venn diagram
Neural Network
General drawing
Column pyramid chart

Pictorial chart
Pyramid chart
X-range series
Vector plot
Pictorial chart
Polygon series
Pareto chart
Wind barb
Dependency wheel
Vertical Sankey chart
Box plot

Parallel coordinates
Euler diagram
Flame chart
Lower and upper dumbbell markers
Bell curve
Parallel coordinates polar chart
Word cloud
Parliament (item) chart
Wind rose
Error bar
Funnel chart
Dumbbell series

Stock chart with GUI
Flags marking events
Intraday candlestick
Intraday with breaks
Intraday area

1.7 million points with async loading
52,000 points with data grouping
Compare multiple series
Two panes, candlestick and volume
Single line series
Cumulative Sum
Live candlestick chart
Relative Rotation Graph
Dynamically updated data
StockChart types
StockVarious features
StockFlags and Technical indicators
Basic world map


Animated lines on a world map
Categorized areas
GeoJSON with rivers and cities
Simple flight routes
Small US with data labels
Color axis and data labels

Map with pattern fills
Cinema seat plan

Tiled web map providers
Built-in projection

Detailed map, US counties
Distribution map
Map with marker clusters
Multiple data classes

Map with locator
Map with overlaid pie charts

Audio map with trajectory
Highlighted areas

Tiled web map with points of interest
Audio map
Data classes and popup
Lightning Map