Treegraph chart

A Tree graph is a way of visualizing a tree or hierarchy data structure. You can read more about this data structure on Wikipedia. The best examples of a tree data structure are:

  • genealogy trees
  • directories in computer science
  • decision trees

Our tree representation is an oriented rooted tree. This means that the direction of the connections matter, and there is one node in each set of data that does not have a parent (is the root of the tree). In contrast to treemap and sunburst, this series type does not require the value property, because each point position is based solely on its relation to other nodes in the tree.

In order to use this series type, you need to load the modules/treemap.js and modules/treegraph.js modules.

Data structure

The data is structured as a tree, where each point represents a node. Each node can have its own children. The tree automatically has one node at the top representing the root node. If a point has an undefined parent, or the parent is not matching any id, the parent will be automatically set to the root node. There can be multiple nodes without a parent, and they will be positioned as separate trees.

The following is an example of how the tree is built in Highcharts:

data: [{
name: 'I have children',
id: 'id-1'
}, {
name: 'I am a child',
parent: 'id-1'
}, {
name: 'I am a smaller child',
parent: 'id-1'


Algorithms decide the positioning of the points. Currently there is one algorithm available, which is the Walker algorithm for calculating the nodes position in the tree graph.

API options

In contrast to treemap series, the connections between the nodes are represented as links. The links are generated from the options of the child. The shape of the link is the same as in the organization chart, and the same options apply. To apply general options to all links, you can define the link options like this:

series: [{
type: 'treegraph',
link: {
type: 'curved',
lineWidth: 3
data: [{
name: 'I have children',
id: 'id-1'
}, {
name: 'I am a child',
parent: 'id-1'
}, {
name: 'I am a smaller child',
parent: 'id-1'

To change the configuration of a specific link, you have to specify the link object in the point configuration, like this:

data: [{
name: 'parent',
id: 'id-1
}, {
name: 'child',
parent: 'id-1',
link: {
type: 'curved',
lineWidth: 5

This setting will take effect on the link that goes to the given node.

Collapse Feature

The nodes' default behavior on click is to toggle the collapsed/expanded state. When clicking any node (which has children) the visibility of all child nodes and links will be hidden. This allows hiding any sub-trees and makes the data easier to read. When clicking on the same node again, all nodes and links will be visible again. You can test this feature on any demo, since this is a default behavior.


For an overview over the options for the treegraph, see the API.

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