With navigation
Highcharts.ganttChart('container', { title: { text: 'Gantt Chart with Navigation' }, yAxis: { uniqueNames: true }, navigator: { enabled: true, liveRedraw: true, series: { type: 'gantt', pointPlacement: 0.5, pointPadding: 0.25, accessibility: { enabled: false } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 3, reversed: true, categories: [] } }, scrollbar: { enabled: true }, rangeSelector: { enabled: true, selected: 0 }, accessibility: { point: { descriptionFormat: '{yCategory}. ' + '{#if completed}Task {(multiply completed.amount 100):.1f}% ' + 'completed. {/if}' + 'Start {x:%Y-%m-%d}, end {x2:%Y-%m-%d}.' }, series: { descriptionFormat: '{name}' } }, lang: { accessibility: { axis: { xAxisDescriptionPlural: 'The chart has a two-part X axis ' + 'showing time in both week numbers and days.', yAxisDescriptionPlural: 'The chart has one Y axis showing ' + 'task categories.' } } }, series: [{ name: 'Project 1', data: [{ start: '2017-12-01', end: '2018-02-02', completed: { amount: 0.95 }, name: 'Prototyping' }, { start: '2018-02-02', end: '2018-12-05', completed: { amount: 0.5 }, name: 'Development' }, { start: '2018-12-08', end: '2018-12-09', completed: { amount: 0.15 }, name: 'Testing' }, { start: '2018-12-09', end: '2018-12-19', completed: { amount: 0.3, fill: '#fa0' }, name: 'Development' }, { start: '2018-12-10', end: '2018-12-23', name: 'Testing' }, { start: '2018-12-25 08:00', end: '2018-12-25 16:00', name: 'Release' }] }] });
GanttHighcharts Gantt
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The official Highcharts NPM package comes with support for CommonJS and contains Highcharts, and its Stock, Maps and Gantt packages.
npm install highcharts --save
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The zip archive contains Javascript files and examples. Unzip the zip package and open index.html in your browser to see the examples.
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