Relative Rotation Graph
Highcharts.addEvent(Highcharts.Chart, 'load', function () { if (this.options.chart.className.indexOf('rounded-plot-border') !== -1) { this.plotBorder.attr({ rx: 10, ry: 10, zIndex: 6 }); } }); Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'scatter', height: '90%', plotBorderWidth: 10, plotBorderColor: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#f7f7f8', spacing: [10, 85, 15, 20], style: { fontFamily: 'IBM Plex Sans' }, className: 'rounded-plot-border' }, legend: { enabled: false }, annotations: [{ draggable: false, shapeOptions: { type: 'path', strokeWidth: 0 }, shapes: [{ fill: { radialGradient: { cx: 0, cy: 1, r: 1.1 }, stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)'], [1, 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.1)'] ] }, points: [{ x: 96, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 96, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }] }, { fill: { radialGradient: { cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 1.1 }, stops: [ [0, 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)'], [1, 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.1)'] ] }, points: [{ x: 96, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 96, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }] }, { fill: { radialGradient: { cx: 1, cy: 0, r: 1.1 }, stops: [ [0, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1)'], [1, 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.1)'] ] }, points: [{ x: 100, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 104, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 104, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }] }, { fill: { radialGradient: { cx: 1, cy: 1, r: 1.1 }, stops: [ [0, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.2)'], [1, 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.1)'] ] }, points: [{ x: 100, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 104, y: 100, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 104, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }, { x: 100, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 }] }], labelOptions: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: 0, y: 0, padding: 10, style: { fontSize: '12px', fontWeight: 700, textOutline: '3px #ffffff80' } }, labels: [{ text: 'LAGGING', style: { color: '#c80056' }, point: { x: 96, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 } }, { text: 'IMPROVING', style: { color: '#004bb3' }, point: { x: 96, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 } }, { text: 'LEADING', style: { color: '#008224' }, point: { x: 104, y: 104, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 } }, { text: 'WEAKENING', style: { color: '#9a5c00' }, point: { x: 104, y: 96, xAxis: 0, yAxis: 0 } }] }], title: { text: 'Relative Rotation Graph®️' }, plotOptions: { series: { lineWidth: 2, marker: { enabled: true, radius: 3, symbol: 'circle' } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: 'RS-Ratio®️: <b>{point.x}</b></br>' + 'RS-Momentum®️: <b>{point.y}</b>' }, xAxis: { min: 96, max: 104, plotLines: [{ value: 100, width: 1, color: '#000000', zIndex: 1 }], title: { text: 'JdK RS-Ratio®️', style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, tickWidth: 0, lineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 1 }, yAxis: { min: 96, max: 104, plotLines: [{ value: 100, width: 1, color: '#000000', zIndex: 1 }], title: { text: 'JdK RS-Momentum®️', style: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, gridLineWidth: 1 }, series: [{ name: 'Stock 1', color: '#9a5c00', data: [ [102, 102], [102.25, 101.5], [102.5, 101], [102.875, 99.5], [102.625, 98.25], [102.375, 97.875], [101.75, 98], [101.375, 98] ] }, { name: 'Stock 2', color: '#004bb3', data: [ [101.8, 98.3], [101.4, 97.5], [100.6, 97.25], [99.9, 97.625], [99.9, 98.5], [99.8, 99.75], [99.8, 100], [99.9, 102], [100, 102.5] ] }, { name: 'Stock 3', color: '#008224', data: [ [98, 96.5], [97.2, 97], [97.1, 98], [97, 99], [97, 99.5], [97.05, 100], [97.1, 100.5], [97.15, 100.8], [97.2, 101.3], [97.3, 102], [97.4, 102.5], [97.8, 103], [98.1, 103.2], [98.6, 103.4], [99.1, 103.5], [99.6, 103.6], [100.4, 103.5] ] }, { name: 'Stock 4', color: '#008224', data: [ [98.5, 98.5], [98.7, 99], [99, 99.3], [99.3, 100], [99.5, 100.5], [100, 101.3], [100.5, 101.8], [101.3, 103] ] }], navigation: { buttonOptions: { theme: { fill: 'none' }, y: -7 } }, responsive: { rules: [{ condition: { maxWidth: 500 }, chartOptions: { chart: { spacing: [10, 10, 15, 10], height: '100%', plotBorderWidth: 7 }, title: { style: { fontSize: 13 } }, plotOptions: { series: { label: { enabled: false } } }, xAxis: { labels: { distance: 6, style: { fontSize: '0.6em' } }, title: { style: { fontWeight: 'normal' } } }, yAxis: { labels: { distance: 8, style: { fontSize: '0.6em' } }, title: { style: { fontWeight: 'normal' } } } } }] } });
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