Black and white Stock chart
(async () => { const data = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { accessibility: { defaultChartTitle: 'Black and white themed Highcharts Stock ' + 'demo' }, rangeSelectorZoom: '' }, chart: { plotBorderWidth: 1, plotBorderColor: '#000000', marginRight: 30 }, navigator: { maskInside: false, maskFill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)', height: 30, margin: 10, handles: { backgroundColor: '#000000' }, xAxis: { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0 } }, scrollbar: { height: 0 }, tooltip: { shadow: false, borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: 'transparent' }, xAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: '#c0c0c0', gridLineDashStyle: 'Dash', tickLength: 5, crosshair: { label: { backgroundColor: '#000000', padding: 2, shape: 'rect', borderRadius: 0 } } }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: '#c0c0c0', gridLineDashStyle: 'Dash', tickInterval: 5, crosshair: { label: { backgroundColor: '#000000', padding: 2, shape: 'rect', borderRadius: 0 } } } }); Highcharts.stockChart('container', { title: { text: '' }, rangeSelector: { buttons: [{ text: 'M1', title: 'Set timeframe to 1 minute', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['minute', [1]] ] } }, { text: 'M5', title: 'Set timeframe to 5 minutes', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['minute', [5]] ] } }, { text: 'M15', title: 'Set timeframe to 15 minutes', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['minute', [15]] ] } }, { text: 'M30', title: 'Set timeframe to 30 minutes', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['minute', [30]] ] } }, { text: 'H1', title: 'Set timeframe to 1 hour', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['hour', [1]] ] } }, { text: 'H4', title: 'Set timeframe to 4 hours', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['hour', [4]] ] } }, { text: 'D1', title: 'Set timeframe to 1 day', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['day', [1]] ] } }, { text: 'W1', title: 'Set timeframe to 1 week', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['week', [1]] ] } }, { text: 'MN', title: 'Set timeframe to 1 month', dataGrouping: { forced: true, units: [ ['month', [1]] ] } }], selected: 4, inputEnabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'AAPL', type: 'candlestick', data: data, color: '#000000', lastPrice: { enabled: true, color: '#c0c0c0', label: { enabled: true, backgroundColor: '#000000', padding: 2, shape: 'rect', borderRadius: 0 } } }], tooltip: { positioner: function () { return { x: 10, y: 0 }; }, format: '{} {} {point.high:.2f} ' + '{point.low:.2f} {point.close:.2f}' }, xAxis: { crosshair: { snap: false, label: { enabled: true, format: '{value:%d %b %k:%M}' } }, startOnTick: true, labels: { distance: 4, formatter() { const isAboveD1 = this.chart.series[0].currentDataGrouping.unitRange >= 86400000; if (this.isFirst || isAboveD1) { return this.chart.time.dateFormat( '%d %b %Y', this.value ); } return this.chart.time.dateFormat( '%d %b %k:%M', this.value ); } } }, yAxis: { crosshair: { snap: false, label: { enabled: true, format: '{value:.2f}' } }, left: 35, title: { text: 'Price' } } }); })();
Install with NPM
The official Highcharts NPM package comes with support for CommonJS and contains Highcharts, and its Stock, Maps and Gantt packages.
npm install highcharts --save
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The zip archive contains Javascript files and examples. Unzip the zip package and open index.html in your browser to see the examples.
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