All technical indicators
(async () => { const data = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); // split the data set into ohlc and volume const ohlc = [], volume = [], dataLength = data.length; for (let i = 0; i < dataLength; i += 1) { ohlc.push([ data[i][0], // the date data[i][1], // open data[i][2], // high data[i][3], // low data[i][4] // close ]); volume.push([ data[i][0], // the date data[i][5] // the volume ]); } // create the chart Highcharts.stockChart('container', { chart: { height: 600 }, title: { text: 'AAPL Historical' }, subtitle: { text: 'All indicators' }, accessibility: { series: { descriptionFormat: '{seriesDescription}.' }, description: 'Use the dropdown menus above to display different ' + 'indicator series on the chart.', screenReaderSection: { beforeChartFormat: '<{headingTagName}>' + '{chartTitle}</{headingTagName}><div>' + '{typeDescription}</div><div>{chartSubtitle}</div><div>' + '{chartLongdesc}</div>' } }, legend: { enabled: true }, rangeSelector: { selected: 2 }, yAxis: [{ height: '60%' }, { top: '60%', height: '20%' }, { top: '80%', height: '20%' }], plotOptions: { series: { showInLegend: true, accessibility: { exposeAsGroupOnly: true } } }, series: [{ type: 'candlestick', id: 'aapl', name: 'AAPL', data: data }, { type: 'column', id: 'volume', name: 'Volume', data: volume, yAxis: 1 }, { type: 'pc', id: 'overlay', linkedTo: 'aapl', yAxis: 0 }, { type: 'macd', id: 'oscillator', linkedTo: 'aapl', yAxis: 2 }] }, function (chart) { document.getElementById( 'overlays' ).addEventListener('change', function (e) { const series = chart.get('overlay'); if (series) { series.remove(false); chart.addSeries({ type:, linkedTo: 'aapl', id: 'overlay' }); } }); document.getElementById( 'oscillators' ).addEventListener('change', function (e) { const series = chart.get('oscillator'); if (series) { series.remove(false); chart.addSeries({ type:, linkedTo: 'aapl', id: 'oscillator', yAxis: 2 }); } }); }); })();
StockFlags and Technical indicators
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