Tiled web map with points of interest
// Create the chart Highcharts.mapChart('container', { chart: { margin: 0 }, title: { text: '' }, subtitle: { text: '' }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { align: 'left', theme: { stroke: '#e6e6e6' } } }, mapNavigation: { enabled: true, buttonOptions: { alignTo: 'spacingBox' } }, mapView: { center: [10.73028454146517, 59.91261204279989], zoom: 13 }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '{}' }, legend: { enabled: true, title: { text: 'Attractions in Oslo' }, align: 'left', symbolWidth: 20, symbolHeight: 20, itemStyle: { textOutline: '1 1 1px rgba(255,255,255)' }, backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)', float: true, borderColor: '#e6e6e6', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 2, itemMarginBottom: 5 }, plotOptions: { mappoint: { dataLabels: { enabled: false } } }, series: [{ type: 'tiledwebmap', name: 'Basemap Tiles', provider: { type: 'OpenStreetMap' }, showInLegend: false }, { type: 'mappoint', name: 'Museums', marker: { symbol: 'url(', width: 24, height: 24 }, data: [{ name: 'Fram Museum', lon: 10.69299, lat: 59.90199 }, { name: 'Vigeland Museum', lon: 10.70013, lat: 59.92285 }, { name: 'Norwegian Museum of Cultural History', lon: 10.68490, lat: 59.90414 }, { name: 'The Viking Ship Museum (Vikingskipshuset)', lon: 10.68446, lat: 59.90475 }, { name: 'Museum of Cultural History', lon: 10.73547, lat: 59.91680 }, { name: 'The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art', lon: 10.72086, lat: 59.90706 }, { name: 'Munch Museum', lon: 10.75565, lat: 59.90616 }, { name: 'Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo', lon: 10.77170, lat: 59.9198 }] }, { type: 'mappoint', name: 'Parks', marker: { symbol: 'url(', width: 24, height: 24 }, data: [{ name: 'The Vigeland Park', lon: 10.70514, lat: 59.92448 }, { name: 'Frogner Park', lon: 10.70347, lat: 59.92645 }, { name: 'The University\'s Botanical Garden', lon: 10.76990, lat: 59.91740 }] }, { type: 'mappoint', name: 'Great buildings', marker: { symbol: 'url(', width: 24, height: 24 }, data: [{ name: 'The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet', lon: 10.75182, lat: 59.90766 }, { name: 'Akershus Fortress', lon: 10.73601, lat: 59.90766 }, { name: 'Royal Palace in Oslo', lon: 10.72750, lat: 59.91694 }, { name: 'Oslo City Hall', lon: 10.73358, lat: 59.91176 }, { name: 'Akrobaten bru', lon: 10.75965, lat: 59.90971 }] }, { type: 'mappoint', name: 'Restaurants', marker: { symbol: 'url(', width: 24, height: 24 }, data: [{ name: 'Elias mat & sånt', lon: 10.73868, lat: 59.91631 }, { name: 'Østbanehallen renovated train station & food court', lon: 10.75109, lat: 59.91085 }] }] });
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