Map with locator
const createChart = async () => { /* MAIN CHART */ // Import maps const world = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); const topology = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); // Prepare random-like demo data const data =, i) => [['hc-key'], i % 10 ]); Highcharts.mapChart('container', { chart: { margin: 0 }, title: { text: 'Highcharts Map with Locator' }, mapView: { // Make room for the title padding: [30, 0, 0, 0] }, mapNavigation: { enabled: true, buttonOptions: { align: 'right', alignTo: 'spacingBox' } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { theme: { stroke: '#e6e6e6' } } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right' }, colorAxis: { minColor: '#87c1c3', maxColor: '#4ba5a6' }, series: [{ states: { inactive: { enabled: false } }, name: 'Background map', mapData: world, affectsMapView: false, borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', nullColor: 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.2)' }, { name: topology.title || 'Map', mapData: topology, data }] }); }; /* Start of Locator map plugin */ Highcharts.addEvent(Highcharts.Chart, 'afterInit', async function () { if ( ( this.renderTo && this.renderTo.classList && this.renderTo.classList.contains('highcharts-locator') ) || !this.mapView || this.options.locator === false ) { return; } // Get the main chart const mainChart = this; const locatorMap = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); // Generate and place the locator div = 'relative'; const locatorContainer = Highcharts.createElement('div', { className: 'highcharts-locator' }, { position: 'absolute', height: '30%', width: '25%', bottom: 0, left: 0 }, mainChart.renderTo); // Orthographic projection grid const getGraticule = () => { const data = []; // Meridians for (let x = -180; x <= 180; x += 15) { data.push({ geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: x % 90 === 0 ? [ [x, -90], [x, 0], [x, 90] ] : [ [x, -80], [x, 80] ] } }); } // Latitudes for (let y = -90; y <= 90; y += 10) { const coordinates = []; for (let x = -180; x <= 180; x += 5) { coordinates.push([x, y]); } data.push({ geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates }, lineWidth: y === 0 ? 2 : undefined }); } return data; }; // Render a circle filled with a radial gradient behind the globe to // make it appear as the sea around the continents const renderGlobe = e => { const chart =; if ( === 'Orthographic') { let verb = 'animate'; if (!chart.globe) { chart.globe = chart.renderer .circle() .attr({ fill: { radialGradient: { cx: 0.4, cy: 0.4, r: 1 }, stops: [ [ 0, Highcharts.color( .nullColor ).brighten(0.3).get() ], [ 1, .nullColor ] ] }, zIndex: -1 }) .add(chart.get('graticule').group) .shadow({}); verb = 'attr'; } const bounds = chart.get('graticule').bounds, p1 = chart.mapView.projectedUnitsToPixels({ x: bounds.x1, y: bounds.y1 }), p2 = chart.mapView.projectedUnitsToPixels({ x: bounds.x2, y: bounds.y2 });[verb]({ cx: (p1.x + p2.x) / 2, cy: (p1.y + p2.y) / 2, r: Math.min(p2.x - p1.x, p1.y - p2.y) / 2 }); } else if (chart.globe) { chart.globe.hide(); } }; // Locator chart frame logic function getMapFrame(chart, plotHeight, plotWidth) { const steps = 20; function calculateEdge(xFunc, yFunc) { const edgePoints = []; for (let i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { const x = xFunc(i), y = yFunc(i), lonLat = chart.mapView.pixelsToLonLat({ x, y }); if (!isNaN(lonLat.lon) && !isNaN( { edgePoints.push([lonLat.lon,]); } } return edgePoints; } const topEdge = calculateEdge( i => (i / steps) * plotWidth, () => 0 ), bottomEdge = calculateEdge( i => (i / steps) * plotWidth, () => plotHeight ), leftEdge = calculateEdge( () => 0, i => (i / steps) * plotHeight ), rightEdge = calculateEdge( () => plotWidth, i => (i / steps) * plotHeight ), rect = [ ...leftEdge, ...bottomEdge, ...rightEdge.reverse(), ...topEdge.reverse() ]; return rect; } // Get the main chart center const [lon, lat] =; // Locator map rotation function rotation(lonCenter, latCenter) { return [-lonCenter, -latCenter]; } // Locator chart const locatorChart = Highcharts.mapChart(locatorContainer, { chart: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', margin: 15, events: { render: renderGlobe } }, credits: { enabled: false }, mapView: { projection: { name: 'Orthographic', rotation: rotation(lon, lat) } }, title: null, colorAxis: { visible: false }, legend: { enabled: false }, mapNavigation: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { accessibility: { enabled: false }, enableMouseTracking: false, animationLimit: 500, borderColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 0.25, clip: false, nullColor: '#e0e0e0', states: { inactive: { enabled: false } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Map', mapData: locatorMap }, { id: 'graticule', type: 'mapline', data: getGraticule(), color: 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)', zIndex: -1 }, { name: 'Frame', type: 'mapline', color: mainChart.options.legend.navigation.activeColor, data: [{ geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: getMapFrame( mainChart, mainChart.plotHeight, mainChart.plotWidth ) } }] }] }); // Adjust the locator frame size when zooming or panning Highcharts.addEvent(mainChart, 'render', function () { locatorChart.series[2].setData([{ geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: getMapFrame( mainChart, mainChart.plotHeight, mainChart.plotWidth ) } }]); }); /* OPTIONAL TOGGLE for locator map */ /* // Generate button const btn = document.createElement('button'); = 'btn'; const btnIcon = document.createElement('i'); btnIcon.classList.add('fa', 'fa-map'); btn.appendChild(btnIcon); document.getElementById('container').appendChild(btn); // Apply styles Highcharts.css(btn, { position: 'absolute', bottom: '2%', left: '1%', cursor: 'pointer', fontSize: '16px', padding: '0.7%', borderRadius: '3px', border: '1px solid #e0e0e0', backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', color: '#afbbd2' }); btn.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { Highcharts.css(btn, { backgroundColor: '#e6e6e6', color: '#8fa2c9' }); }); btn.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { Highcharts.css(btn, { backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', color: '#afbbd2' }); }); // Toggle map let i = 1; const toggleMap = () => { const icon = document.getElementById('btn').firstElementChild; icon.classList.toggle('fa-map'); icon.classList.toggle('fa-globe'); if (i === 1) { updateLocatorMap('Miller', 'none', 0); i++; } else if (i === 2) { updateLocatorMap( 'Orthographic', 'rgba(128,128,128,0.1)', 15, rotation(lon, lat) ); i = 1; } }; document.getElementById('btn').onclick = toggleMap; function updateLocatorMap( projectionName, graticuleColor, margin, rotation ) { locatorChart.get('graticule').update( { color: graticuleColor }, false ); locatorChart.redraw(false); locatorChart.update({ chart: { margin }, mapView: { projection: { name: projectionName, rotation } } }); } // */ /* OPTIONAL TOGGLE END */ }, { order: 1 }); /* End of Locator map plugin */ createChart();
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