Current temperatures in capitals of Europe
// The demo uses API. Every call downloads the JSON format // data, basing on specific capital city latitude and longitude values. (async () => { const topology = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); // Data structure: [country_code, latitude, longitude, capital_city] const newData = [ ['dk', 55.66, 12.58, 'Copenhagen'], ['fo', 62, -6.79, 'Torshavn'], ['hr', 45.8, 16, 'Zagreb'], ['nl', 52.35, 4.91, 'Amsterdam'], ['ee', 59.43, 24.71, 'Tallinn'], ['bg', 42.68, 23.31, 'Sofia'], ['es', 40.4, -3.68, 'Madrid'], ['it', 41.9, 12.48, 'Rome'], ['sm', 43.93, 12.41, 'San Marino'], ['va', 41.9, 12.45, 'Vatican'], ['tr', 39.93, 32.86, 'Ankara'], ['mt', 35.88, 14.5, 'Valetta'], ['fr', 48.86, 2.33, 'Paris'], ['no', 59.91, 10.75, 'Oslo'], ['de', 52.51, 13.4, 'Berlin'], ['ie', 53.31, -6.23, 'Dublin'], ['ua', 50.43, 30.51, 'Kyiv'], ['fi', 60.16, 24.93, 'Helsinki'], ['se', 59.33, 18.05, 'Stockholm'], ['ru', 55.75, 37.6, 'Moscow'], ['gb', 51.5, -0.08, 'London'], ['cy', 35.16, 33.36, 'Nicosia'], ['pt', 38.71, -9.13, 'Lisbon'], ['gr', 37.98, 23.73, 'Athens'], ['lt', 54.68, 25.31, 'Vilnius'], ['si', 46.05, 14.51, 'Ljubljana'], ['ba', 43.86, 18.41, 'Sarajevo'], ['mc', 43.73, 7.41, 'Monaco'], ['al', 41.31, 19.81, 'Tirana'], ['nc', 35.18, 33.36, 'North Nicosia'], ['rs', 44.83, 20.5, 'Belgrade'], ['ro', 44.43, 26.1, 'Bucharest'], ['me', 42.43, 19.26, 'Podgorica'], ['li', 47.13, 9.51, 'Vaduz'], ['at', 48.2, 16.36, 'Vienna'], ['sk', 48.15, 17.11, 'Bratislava'], ['hu', 47.5, 19.08, 'Budapest'], ['ad', 42.2, 1.24, 'Andorra la Vella'], ['lu', 49.6, 6.11, 'Luxembourg'], ['ch', 46.91, 7.46, 'Bern'], ['be', 50.83, 4.33, 'Brussels'], ['pl', 52.25, 21, 'Warsaw'], ['mk', 42, 21.43, 'Skopje'], ['lv', 56.95, 24.1, 'Riga'], ['by', 53.9, 27.56, 'Minsk'], ['is', 64.15, -21.95, 'Reykjavik'], ['md', 47, 28.85, 'Chisinau'], ['cz', 50.08, 14.46, 'Prague'] ]; // Get temperature for specific localization, and add it to the chart. It // takes point as first argument, countries series as second and capitals // series as third. Capitals series have to be the 'mappoint' series type, // and it should be defined before in the series array. async function getTemp(point, countries, capitals) { const json = await fetch( '' + `lat=${point[1]}&lon=${point[2]}` ).then(response => response.json()); const temp =[0].data.instant.details .air_temperature, value = parseInt(temp, 10); const capital = { name: point[3], lat: point[1], lon: point[2], colorKey: 'y', y: Number.isInteger(value) ? value : null, custom: { label: Number.isInteger(value) ? `${value}℃` : '<span style="font-weight: normal; opacity: 0.5">N/A</span>' } }; countries.points.find(p => p['hc-key'] === point[0]) .update(value, false); capitals.addPoint(capital, false); countries.chart.redraw(false); } // Create the chart Highcharts.mapChart('container', { chart: { map: topology, events: { load: function () { const countries = this.series[0], capitals = this.series[1]; newData.forEach(elem => getTemp(elem, countries, capitals)); } } }, title: { text: 'Current temperatures in capitals of Europe', align: 'left' }, subtitle: { text: 'Data source: <a href=""></a>', align: 'left' }, mapNavigation: { enabled: true, buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'bottom' } }, colorAxis: { min: -25, max: 40, labels: { format: '{value}°C' }, stops: [ [0, '#0000ff'], [0.3, '#6da5ff'], [0.6, '#ffff00'], [1, '#ff0000'] ] }, legend: { title: { text: 'Degrees Celsius' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> ' + '{point.key}:<br/>', pointFormat: 'Temperature: <b>{point.custom.label}</b>' }, series: [{ allAreas: true, name: 'Temperatures', dataLabels: { enabled: false }, enableMouseTracking: false, accessibility: { point: { valueDescriptionFormat: '{xDescription}, {point.value}°C.' } } }, { name: 'Capitals of Europe', type: 'mappoint', showInLegend: false, marker: { lineWidth: 1, lineColor: '#000' }, dataLabels: [{ align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', y: -2, x: -2, crop: true, format: '{key}', style: { fontWeight: 'normal' } }, { align: 'left', verticalAlign: 'middle', y: -2, x: 2, crop: true, format: '{custom.label}' }], accessibility: { point: { valueDescriptionFormat: '{xDescription}, {point.temp}°C.' } } }] }); })();
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