Multiple data classes
(async () => { const topology = await fetch( '' ).then(response => response.json()); function drawChart(data) { return Highcharts.mapChart('container', { chart: { map: topology }, colors: [ 'rgba(255,0,0,1)', 'rgba(255,0,0,1)', 'rgba(19,64,117,0.4)', 'rgba(19,64,117,0.5)', 'rgba(19,64,117,0.6)', 'rgba(19,64,117,0.8)', 'rgba(19,64,117,1)' ], title: { text: 'Population density by country (/km²)', align: 'left' }, mapNavigation: { enabled: true, buttonOptions: { align: 'right' } }, mapView: { fitToGeometry: { type: 'MultiPoint', coordinates: [ // Alaska west [-164, 54], // Greenland north [-35, 84], // New Zealand east [179, -38], // Chile south [-68, -55] ] } }, legend: { title: { text: 'Individuals per km²', style: { color: ( // theme Highcharts.defaultOptions && Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend && Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.title && && ) || 'black' } }, align: 'left', verticalAlign: 'bottom', floating: true, layout: 'vertical', valueDecimals: 0, backgroundColor: ( // theme Highcharts.defaultOptions && Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend && Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor ) || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)', symbolRadius: 0, symbolHeight: 14 }, colorAxis: { dataClasses: [{ to: 3, color: '#0000ee' }, { from: 3, to: 10, color: '#00eeee' }, { from: 10, to: 30, color: '#00ee00' }, { from: 30, to: 100, color: '#bbee00' }, { from: 100, to: 300, color: '#eeee00' }, { from: 300, to: 1000, color: '#ee6600' }, { from: 1000, color: '#bb0000' }] }, series: [{ data: data, joinBy: ['iso-a2', 'code'], animation: true, name: 'Population density', tooltip: { valueSuffix: '/km²' }, shadow: false }] }); } // Load the data from a Google Spreadsheet //{ googleAPIKey: 'AIzaSyCQ0Jh8OFRShXam8adBbBcctlbeeA-qJOk', googleSpreadsheetKey: '1eSoQeilFp0HI-qgqr9-oXdCh5G_trQR2HBaWt_U_n78', // Custom handler when the spreadsheet is parsed parsed: function (columns) { // Read the columns into the data array const data = columns[0].slice(1).map((code, i) => ({ code: code.toUpperCase(), value: parseFloat(columns[2][i + 1]), name: columns[1][i + 1] })); drawChart(data); }, error: function () { const chart = drawChart(); chart.showLoading( '<i class="icon-frown icon-large"></i> ' + 'Error loading data from Google Spreadsheets' ); } }); })();
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The official Highcharts NPM package comes with support for CommonJS and contains Highcharts, and its Stock, Maps and Gantt packages.
npm install highcharts --save
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