Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'waterfall' }, title: { text: 'Highcharts Waterfall' }, xAxis: { type: 'category' }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'USD' } }, legend: { enabled: false }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '<b>${point.y:,.2f}</b> USD' }, series: [{ upColor: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2], color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[3], data: [{ name: 'Start', y: 120000 }, { name: 'Product Revenue', y: 569000 }, { name: 'Service Revenue', y: 231000 }, { name: 'Positive Balance', isIntermediateSum: true, color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1] }, { name: 'Fixed Costs', y: -342000 }, { name: 'Variable Costs', y: -233000 }, { name: 'Balance', isSum: true, color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1] }], dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '{divide y 1000}k' }, pointPadding: 0 }] });
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Install with NPM
The official Highcharts NPM package comes with support for CommonJS and contains Highcharts, and its Stock, Maps and Gantt packages.
npm install highcharts --save
See more installation optionsDownload our library
The zip archive contains Javascript files and examples. Unzip the zip package and open index.html in your browser to see the examples.
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You can download and try out all Highcharts products for free. Once your project/product is ready for launch, purchase a commercial license.
See License Pricing