Stellar Chart
const colors = ['#6CDDCA', '#C771F3', '#4D90DB', '#FAB776']; Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'bubble', polar: true, height: 600, events: { render() { const chart = this, pieSeries = chart.series[1]; pieSeries.customLabel = fillCenter( 100, '1990-2020', chart, pieSeries.customLabel ); } } }, data: { csv: document.getElementById('csv').innerHTML, seriesMapping: [{ name: 0, x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, 'custom.lightYears': 4, 'custom.planetMass': 5, 'custom.stellarMagnitude': 6, 'custom.discoveryDate': 7 }] }, title: { text: 'The 240 Closest Planets to the Earth other than our solar system' }, subtitle: { text: 'Using bubble series in polar coordinate system along with pie ' + 'series' }, colorAxis: { min: 0, max: 12, stops: [ [0, colors[0]], [1 / 3, colors[1]], [2 / 3, colors[2]], [1, colors[3]] ] }, legend: { enabled: false }, pane: { innerSize: '42%', size: '95%', background: [{ backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', borderWidth: 0 }, { backgroundColor: '#fff', borderWidth: 0, outerRadius: '42%' }] }, xAxis: { tickInterval: 1, min: 0, max: 30, gridLineWidth: 0, labels: { enabled: false }, lineWidth: 0 }, yAxis: { tickInterval: 1, labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0.5, gridLineColor: '#BBBAC5', gridLineDashStyle: 'longdash', endOnTick: false }, tooltip: { borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', shadow: false, outside: true, hideDelay: 20, useHTML: true, formatter: function (tooltip) { // Hide tooltip for pie series if (this.series.options.type === 'pie') { return false; } // If not null, use the default formatter return, tooltip); } }, plotOptions: { series: { states: { inactive: { enabled: false } } }, pie: { states: { hover: { halo: 0 } } } }, series: [{ colorKey: 'custom.stellarMagnitude', maxSize: 14, minSize: 3, tooltip: { pointFormat: `<table> <tr> <td style='padding:0'> <span class="smallerLabel">Name:</span> {} </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='padding:0'> <span class="smallerLabel">Mass:</span> {point.custom.planetMass} </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='padding:0'> <span class="smallerLabel">Distance:</span> {point.custom.lightYears} Light Years </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='padding:0'> <span class="smallerLabel">Stellar Magnitude:</span> {point.custom.stellarMagnitude} </td> </tr> </table>` } }, { type: 'pie', dataLabels: { enabled: false }, size: '40%', innerSize: '85%', zIndex: -1, point: { events: { mouseOver() { const { minDate, maxDate } = this.options.custom, point = this, series = this.series, chart = series.chart, bubbleSeries = chart.series[0]; bubbleSeries.points.forEach(point => { if ( point.options.custom.discoveryDate < minDate || point.options.custom.discoveryDate >= maxDate ) { point.graphic.attr({ opacity: 0.2 }); } }); series.customLabel = fillCenter( point.percentage, point.options.custom.minDate, chart, series.customLabel ); }, mouseOut() { const chart = this.series.chart, series = this.series, bubbleSeries = chart.series[0]; bubbleSeries.points.forEach(point => { point.graphic.attr({ opacity: 1 }); }); series.customLabel = fillCenter( 100, '1990-2020', chart, series.customLabel ); } } }, data: [{ y: 12, color: '#6CDDCA', custom: { minDate: 1990, maxDate: 2000 } }, { y: 47, color: '#C771F3', custom: { minDate: 2000, maxDate: 2010 } }, { y: 117, color: '#4D90DB', custom: { minDate: 2010, maxDate: 2020 } }, { y: 64, color: '#FAB776', custom: { minDate: 2020, maxDate: 2030 } }] }], responsive: { rules: [{ condition: { maxWidth: 500 }, chartOptions: { pane: { innerSize: '47%' }, series: [{ maxSize: 8 }, { size: '45%' }] } }] } }); function fillCenter(percentage, decade, chart, customLabel) { const labelText = `<div class="center-label"> <p class="symbol">☉</p> <p class="uppercase">${decade}<small>s</p> <p class="label">Planets discovered</p> <p class="percentage"> ${percentage.toFixed(2)} <sup style='font-size: 0.5em;'>%</sup> </p> </div>`; if (!customLabel) { customLabel = chart.renderer.label( labelText, 0, 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, true ).css({ color: '#000', pointerEvents: 'none' }).add(); } else { customLabel.attr({ text: labelText }); } customLabel.attr({ x: (chart.pane[0].center[0] + chart.plotLeft) - customLabel.attr('width') / 2, y: (chart.pane[0].center[1] + chart.plotTop) - customLabel.attr('height') / 2 - 10 }); return customLabel; }
CoreScatter and bubble charts
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