Time data with irregular intervals
// Data retrieved from https://www.vikjavev.no/ver/snjomengd Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'spline' }, title: { text: 'Snow depth at Vikjafjellet, Norway' }, subtitle: { text: 'Irregular time data in Highcharts JS' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the year month: '%e. %b', year: '%b' }, title: { text: 'Date' } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Snow depth (m)' }, min: 0 }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b><br>', pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: {point.y:.2f} m' }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { symbol: 'circle', fillColor: '#FFFFFF', enabled: true, radius: 2.5, lineWidth: 1, lineColor: null } } }, colors: ['#6CF', '#39F', '#06C', '#036', '#000'], // Define the data points. All series have a year of 1970/71 in order // to be compared on the same x axis. series: [ { name: 'Winter 2021-2022', data: [ ['1970-11-05', 0], ['1970-11-12', 0.1], ['1970-11-21', 0.15], ['1970-11-22', 0.19], ['1970-11-27', 0.17], ['1970-11-30', 0.27], ['1970-12-02', 0.25], ['1970-12-04', 0.27], ['1970-12-05', 0.26], ['1970-12-06', 0.25], ['1970-12-07', 0.26], ['1970-12-08', 0.26], ['1970-12-09', 0.25], ['1970-12-10', 0.25], ['1970-12-11', 0.25], ['1970-12-12', 0.26], ['1970-12-22', 0.22], ['1970-12-23', 0.22], ['1970-12-24', 0.22], ['1970-12-25', 0.24], ['1970-12-26', 0.24], ['1970-12-27', 0.24], ['1970-12-28', 0.24], ['1970-12-29', 0.24], ['1970-12-30', 0.22], ['1970-12-31', 0.18], ['1971-01-01', 0.17], ['1971-01-02', 0.23], ['1971-01-09', 0.5], ['1971-01-10', 0.5], ['1971-01-11', 0.53], ['1971-01-12', 0.48], ['1971-01-13', 0.4], ['1971-01-17', 0.36], ['1971-01-22', 0.69], ['1971-01-23', 0.62], ['1971-01-29', 0.72], ['1971-02-02', 0.95], ['1971-02-10', 1.73], ['1971-02-15', 1.76], ['1971-02-26', 2.18], ['1971-03-02', 2.22], ['1971-03-06', 2.13], ['1971-03-08', 2.11], ['1971-03-09', 2.12], ['1971-03-10', 2.11], ['1971-03-11', 2.09], ['1971-03-12', 2.08], ['1971-03-13', 2.08], ['1971-03-14', 2.07], ['1971-03-15', 2.08], ['1971-03-17', 2.12], ['1971-03-18', 2.19], ['1971-03-21', 2.11], ['1971-03-24', 2.1], ['1971-03-27', 1.89], ['1971-03-30', 1.92], ['1971-04-03', 1.9], ['1971-04-06', 1.95], ['1971-04-09', 1.94], ['1971-04-12', 2], ['1971-04-15', 1.9], ['1971-04-18', 1.84], ['1971-04-21', 1.75], ['1971-04-24', 1.69], ['1971-04-27', 1.64], ['1971-04-30', 1.64], ['1971-05-03', 1.58], ['1971-05-06', 1.52], ['1971-05-09', 1.43], ['1971-05-12', 1.42], ['1971-05-15', 1.37], ['1971-05-18', 1.26], ['1971-05-21', 1.11], ['1971-05-24', 0.92], ['1971-05-27', 0.75], ['1971-05-30', 0.55], ['1971-06-03', 0.35], ['1971-06-06', 0.21], ['1971-06-09', 0] ] }, { name: 'Winter 2022-2023', data: [ ['1970-11-03', 0], ['1970-11-09', 0], ['1970-11-12', 0.03], ['1970-11-15', 0], ['1970-11-24', 0], ['1970-11-27', 0.06], ['1970-11-30', 0.05], ['1970-12-03', 0.05], ['1970-12-06', 0.07], ['1970-12-09', 0.09], ['1970-12-15', 0.09], ['1970-12-18', 0.13], ['1970-12-21', 0.17], ['1970-12-24', 0.32], ['1970-12-27', 0.62], ['1971-01-03', 0.60], ['1971-01-09', 0.63], ['1971-01-12', 0.74], ['1971-01-15', 0.80], ['1971-01-18', 0.97], ['1971-01-21', 0.87], ['1971-01-24', 0.98], ['1971-01-27', 0.87], ['1971-01-30', 0.98], ['1971-02-03', 1.09], ['1971-02-06', 1.24], ['1971-02-09', 1.26], ['1971-02-12', 1.21], ['1971-02-15', 1.12], ['1971-02-18', 1.35], ['1971-02-21', 1.65], ['1971-02-24', 1.64], ['1971-02-27', 1.58], ['1971-03-03', 1.55], ['1971-03-06', 1.62], ['1971-03-09', 1.55], ['1971-03-12', 1.69], ['1971-03-15', 1.70], ['1971-03-18', 1.95], ['1971-03-21', 1.91], ['1971-03-27', 2.08], ['1971-03-30', 2.17], ['1971-04-03', 2.09], ['1971-04-12', 2.04], ['1971-04-15', 1.91], ['1971-04-18', 1.93], ['1971-04-21', 1.79], ['1971-04-24', 1.72], ['1971-04-27', 1.79], ['1971-05-03', 1.74], ['1971-05-06', 1.66], ['1971-05-09', 1.56], ['1971-05-12', 1.37], ['1971-05-15', 1.20], ['1971-05-18', 1.18], ['1971-05-21', 0.93], ['1971-05-24', 0.77], ['1971-05-27', 0.63], ['1971-05-30', 0.47], ['1971-06-03', 0.22], ['1971-06-06', 0.0] ] }, { name: 'Winter 2023-2024', data: [ ['1970-10-10', 0], ['1970-11-18', 0.2], ['1970-11-21', 0.08], ['1970-11-25', 0.60], ['1970-12-03', 0.11], ['1970-12-06', 0.49], ['1970-12-18', 0.38], ['1970-12-21', 0.70], ['1970-12-25', 0.81], ['1970-12-30', 0.77], ['1971-01-09', 0.65], ['1971-01-12', 0.71], ['1971-01-21', 0.86], ['1971-01-24', 1.07], ['1971-01-27', 1.19], ['1971-01-30', 1.12], ['1971-02-03', 1.31], ['1971-02-06', 1.43], ['1971-02-09', 1.33], ['1971-02-12', 1.41], ['1971-02-15', 1.49], ['1971-02-18', 1.46], ['1971-02-21', 1.55], ['1971-02-24', 1.58], ['1971-02-27', 1.61], ['1971-03-03', 1.80], ['1971-03-06', 1.64], ['1971-03-15', 1.66], ['1971-03-16', 1.91], ['1971-03-21', 1.86], ['1971-03-23', 2.08], ['1971-03-31', 2.01], ['1971-04-11', 1.86], ['1971-04-15', 1.82], ['1971-04-19', 1.81], ['1971-04-25', 1.79], ['1971-05-05', 1.43], ['1971-05-08', 1.13], ['1971-05-12', 0.98], ['1971-05-15', 0.71], ['1971-05-18', 0.50], ['1971-05-21', 0.28], ['1971-05-24', 0.09], ['1971-05-25', 0.0] ] } ] });
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