Sankey diagram
Highcharts.chart('container', { title: { text: 'Estimated US Energy Consumption in 2022' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source: <a href=\'\'> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory</a>' }, accessibility: { point: { valueDescriptionFormat: '{index}. {point.from} to {}, ' + '{point.weight}.' } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: null, pointFormat: '{} \u2192 {}: {point.weight:.2f} ' + 'quads', nodeFormat: '{}: {point.sum:.2f} quads' }, series: [{ keys: ['from', 'to', 'weight'], nodes: [ { id: 'Electricity & Heat', color: '#ffa500', offset: -110 }, { id: 'Net Import', color: '000000' }, { id: 'Residential', color: '#74ffe7', column: 2, offset: 50 }, { id: 'Commercial', color: '#8cff74', column: 2, offset: 50 }, { id: 'Industrial', color: '#ff8da1', column: 2, offset: 50 }, { id: 'Transportation', color: '#f4c0ff', column: 2, offset: 50 }, { id: 'Rejected Energy', color: '#e6e6e6', column: 3, offset: -30 }, { id: 'Energy Services', color: '#F9E79F', column: 3 }, { id: 'Net Import', color: '000000' }, { id: 'Solar', color: '#009c00' }, { id: 'Nuclear', color: '#1a8dff' }, { id: 'Hydro', color: '#009c00' }, { id: 'Wind', color: '#009c00' }, { id: 'Geothermal', color: '#009c00' }, { id: 'Natural Gas', color: '#1a8dff' }, { id: 'Biomass', color: '#009c00' }, { id: 'Coal', color: '#989898' }, { id: 'Petroleum', color: '#989898', offset: -1 } ], data: [ ['Net Import', 'Electricity & Heat', 0.14], ['Solar', 'Electricity & Heat', 1.28], ['Nuclear', 'Electricity & Heat', 8.05], ['Hydro', 'Electricity & Heat', 2.31], ['Wind', 'Electricity & Heat', 3.84], ['Geothermal', 'Electricity & Heat', 0.15], ['Natural Gas', 'Electricity & Heat', 12.5], ['Coal', 'Electricity & Heat', 8.9], ['Biomass', 'Electricity & Heat', 0.41], ['Petroleum', 'Electricity & Heat', 0.24], ['Electricity & Heat', 'Residential', 5.19], ['Solar', 'Residential', 0.4], ['Geothermal', 'Residential', 0.04], ['Natural Gas', 'Residential', 5.17], ['Biomass', 'Residential', 0.48], ['Petroleum', 'Residential', 0.98], ['Electricity & Heat', 'Commercial', 4.69], ['Solar', 'Commercial', 0.16], ['Geothermal', 'Commercial', 0.02], ['Natural Gas', 'Commercial', 3.65], ['Coal', 'Commercial', 0.02], ['Biomass', 'Commercial', 0.15], ['Petroleum', 'Commercial', 0.88], ['Electricity & Heat', 'Industrial', 3.44], ['Solar', 'Industrial', 0.04], ['Natural Gas', 'Industrial', 10.8], ['Coal', 'Industrial', 0.99], ['Biomass', 'Industrial', 2.27], ['Petroleum', 'Industrial', 9.13], ['Electricity & Heat', 'Transportation', 0.02], ['Natural Gas', 'Transportation', 1.29], ['Biomass', 'Transportation', 1.57], ['Petroleum', 'Transportation', 24.6], ['Electricity & Heat', 'Rejected Energy', 24.3], ['Residential', 'Rejected Energy', 4.29], ['Commercial', 'Rejected Energy', 3.35], ['Industrial', 'Rejected Energy', 13.6], ['Transportation', 'Rejected Energy', 21.7], ['Residential', 'Energy Services', 7.97], ['Commercial', 'Energy Services', 6.22], ['Industrial', 'Energy Services', 13.1], ['Transportation', 'Energy Services', 5.77] ], type: 'sankey', name: 'Sankey demo series' }] });
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