Polygon series
Highcharts.chart('container', { title: { text: 'Average height and weight for men by country', align: 'left' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source: ' + '<a href="https://www.worlddata.info/average-bodyheight.php"' + 'target="_blank">WorldData</a>', align: 'left' }, xAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, title: { enabled: true, text: 'Height (cm)' }, startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Weight (kg)' } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, series: [{ name: 'Target', type: 'polygon', data: [ [163, 42], [162, 46], [162, 55], [163, 64], [164, 70], [170, 90], [181, 100], [182, 90], [173, 52], [166, 45] ], color: Highcharts.color( Highcharts.getOptions() .colors[0] ).setOpacity(0.5).get(), enableMouseTracking: false, accessibility: { exposeAsGroupOnly: true, description: 'Target ranges in an upwards trending diagonal from ' + '161 to 182 on the x axis, and 42 to 100 on the y axis.' } }, { name: 'Observations', type: 'scatter', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1], data: [ { x: 184, y: 87.9, name: 'Netherlands' }, { x: 183, y: 90.4, name: 'Montenegro' }, { x: 182, y: 89.9, name: 'Estonia' }, { x: 182, y: 86.8, name: 'Denmark' }, { x: 181, y: 89.2, name: 'Iceland' }, { x: 181, y: 89.9, name: 'Czechia' }, { x: 180, y: 89.9, name: 'Serbia' }, { x: 180, y: 89.9, name: 'Sweden' }, { x: 180, y: 89.1, name: 'Norway' }, { x: 180, y: 80.7, name: 'Dominica' }, { x: 180, y: 86.3, name: 'Finland' }, { x: 179, y: 88.4, name: 'Bermuda' }, { x: 179, y: 90.7, name: 'Puerto Rico' }, { x: 178, y: 84.1, name: 'Belarus' }, { x: 178, y: 103.7, name: 'Cook Islands' }, { x: 177, y: 98.8, name: 'Niue' }, { x: 177, y: 103.2, name: 'American Samoa' }, { x: 176, y: 80.3, name: 'Russia' }, { x: 176, y: 91.1, name: 'Saint Lucia' }, { x: 175, y: 67.0, name: 'Senegal' }, { x: 175, y: 93.7, name: 'Tonga' }, { x: 174, y: 74.6, name: 'Algeria' }, { x: 174, y: 84.7, name: 'Argentina' }, { x: 174, y: 79.5, name: 'Portugal' }, { x: 173, y: 73.6, name: 'Mauritius' }, { x: 173, y: 91.8, name: 'Samoa' }, { x: 172, y: 69.5, name: 'Japan' }, { x: 172, y: 74.0, name: 'Bahrain' }, { x: 171, y: 64.1, name: 'Chad' }, { x: 171, y: 88.0, name: 'Tuvalu' }, { x: 171, y: 67.8, name: 'Sudan' }, { x: 170, y: 58.8, name: 'Eritrea' }, { x: 170, y: 63.9, name: 'Kenya' }, { x: 170, y: 74.7, name: 'Mongolia' }, { x: 170, y: 65.1, name: 'Nigeria' }, { x: 169, y: 93.0, name: 'Nauru' }, { x: 169, y: 81.1, name: 'Micronesia' }, { x: 169, y: 64.9, name: 'Ghana' }, { x: 169, y: 71.9, name: 'South Africa' }, { x: 168, y: 61.2, name: 'Vietnam' }, { x: 168, y: 65.9, name: 'Ivory Coast' }, { x: 168, y: 69.2, name: 'Maldives' }, { x: 168, y: 56.5, name: 'Ethiopia' }, { x: 167, y: 74.2, name: 'Ecuador' }, { x: 167, y: 60.5, name: 'Burundi' }, { x: 166, y: 69.6, name: 'India' }, { x: 166, y: 74.7, name: 'Brunei' }, { x: 165, y: 57.7, name: 'Bangladesh' }, { x: 165, y: 58.4, name: 'Madagascar' }, { x: 165, y: 61.8, name: 'Philippines' }, { x: 164, y: 60.5, name: 'Nepal' }, { x: 164, y: 69.1, name: 'Guatemala' }, { x: 163, y: 62.5, name: 'Yemen' }, { x: 162, y: 59.5, name: 'Laos' }, { x: 159, y: 53.9, name: 'Timor-Leste' } ] }], tooltip: { headerFormat: '<b>{point.key}</b><br>', pointFormat: '{point.x} cm, {point.y} kg' }, responsive: { rules: [{ condition: { maxWidth: 500 }, chartOptions: { legend: { align: 'center', layout: 'horizontal', verticalAlign: 'bottom' } } }] } });
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