Advanced polar chart
const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('data').innerHTML), scoreData = data[3], colors = Highcharts.getOptions(), // Defining recurring values. monthExtremes = { min: 0, max: 26 }, weekExtremes = { min: 1, max: 5 }, paneOpeningAngles = { startAngle: 40.5, endAngle: 319.5 }, noLabelProp = { labels: { enabled: false } }, specialSeriesProps = { showInLegend: false, groupPadding: 0, pointPadding: 0 }, // A gradient background for the inner circle (aka pane.) toggleableGradient = { pattern: undefined, radialGradient: [1, 0.25, 0.1], stops: [ [0, '#1f1836'], [1, '#45445d'] ] }, // A function which (re)sets the inner circles background to our gradient. setGradient = function () { const chart = this.series.chart; chart.setMidPaneBg({ backgroundColor: toggleableGradient, outerRadius: '75%' }); = 1; }, // A function used in the creation of our second custom tooltip. asColFieldStr = str => ( '<span class="col-display-fieldwrap">' + '<span class="symbolSize" ' + 'style="color:{point.color};">●</span> ' + str + '</span>' ), // We create our teams, 1 serie per team. teamNames = ['Ulambaator', 'Sofia', 'Asmara'], teamColors = [ colors[9 % colors.length].tweenTo(colors[0], 0.25), colors[9 % colors.length].tweenTo(colors[8 % colors.length], 0.65), colors[9 % colors.length].tweenTo(colors[3], 0.85) ], teamSeries = Array(3).fill({ type: 'bubble', shadow: true, maxSize: '4%', minSize: '1%', clip: false, point: { events: { // When hovering a bubble, change the inner circles background // to the color of its parent series. mouseOver: function () { const chart = this.series.chart; = 0; chart.setMidPaneBg({ backgroundColor: teamColors[this.series.index], innerRadius: '0%' }); }, mouseOut: setGradient } }, colorKey: 't', // A custom tooltip, using our own CSS tooltip: { headerFormat: ( '<div class="team-day center">' + '<span class="team-header">' + '<b class="team-index">Day {point.x}</b></span>' + '<span class="team-name" style="' + 'border: 0 outset {series.color};' + 'border-block-end: 0 outset {series.color};">' + '<b>{}</b></span>' ), pointFormat: ( '<span class="team-points">' + '<span class="team-salescount-header">Daily Sales:</span>' + '</br>' + '<span class="team-salescount">{point.z}</span>' ), footerFormat: '</div>' } }).map((seriesProps, i) => ({ ...seriesProps, name: teamNames[i], data: data[i], color: teamColors[i], marker: { fillColor: teamColors[i], fillOpacity: 1, lineColor: '#46465C', lineWidth: 2 } })), // We create a series which only purpose is to act as a label // indicating the week in which a given datapoint occurred. weekLabels = Array(4) .fill(0) .map((_value, index) => ({ dataLabels: { format: 'Week {x}', enabled: true, inside: true, style: { textOutline: undefined, fontSize: '0.7em', fontWeight: '700', textTransform: 'uppercase', fontStyle: 'normal', letterSpacing: '0.01em' }, textPath: { enabled: true, attributes: { startOffset: ( index % 3 ? '75%' : ( index % 2 ? '22%' : '28%' ) ), dx: index % 2 ? '-2%' : '0%', dy: index % 3 ? '2.8%' : '3.3%' } } }, x: index + 1, y: 1.5 })); Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { polar: true, height: '100%', events: { load: function () { const midPane = this.pane[1]; // Our custom background functions are actually wrappers of the // function defined below. This function needs to be defined in // the load-event so that it is able to reference an instance // of Highcharts, without Highcharts being instantiated yet. this.setMidPaneBg = function (background) { midPane.update({ background: background }); }; }, // We assign a function which positions our dynamically // regardless of viewport or chart dimensions. render: function () { if ( { const { chartWidth, chartHeight, legend } = this, { legendWidth, legendHeight } = legend; ( (chartWidth - legendWidth) / 2 ), legendHeight * (chartWidth / chartHeight) ); } } } }, title: { text: 'Advanced Polar Chart' }, subtitle: { text: 'Sales Team<br>Performance', useHTML: 'true', align: 'center', y: 35, verticalAlign: 'middle', style: { fontSize: '1em', color: 'white', textAlign: 'center' } }, tooltip: { animation: false, backgroundColor: undefined, hideDelay: 0, useHTML: true, // This function positions our tooltip in the center, // regardless of viewport or chart dimensions. positioner: function (labelWidth, labelHeight) { const { chartWidth, chartHeight } = this.chart; return { x: (chartWidth / 2) - (labelWidth / 2), y: (chartHeight / 2) - (labelHeight / 2) }; } }, colorAxis: [{ minColor: colors[0].brighten(0.05).get('rgba'), maxColor: colors[5].brighten(0.05).get('rgba'), showInLegend: false, ...weekExtremes }, { minColor: colors[1].tweenTo(colors[5], 0.5), maxColor: colors[8 % colors.length].tweenTo( colors[8 % colors.length], 0.5 ), showInLegend: false, ...monthExtremes }], // Our chart is made of 3 different panes/circles pane: [{ size: '80%', innerSize: '75%', ...paneOpeningAngles, background: { borderColor: colors[4], backgroundColor: toggleableGradient, innerRadius: '40%' } }, { size: '55%', innerSize: '45%', ...paneOpeningAngles, background: { borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: toggleableGradient, outerRadius: '75%' } // ...And this the one we alter }, { size: '100%', innerSize: '88%', startAngle: 16.5, endAngle: 343.5, background: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: colors[4], backgroundColor: '#46465C', innerRadius: '55%', outerRadius: '100%' } }], xAxis: [{ pane: 0, tickInterval: 1, lineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, min: 1, max: 26, ...noLabelProp }, { pane: 1, linkedTo: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, lineWidth: 0, // We put some plotbands on the chart to represent weekends // when no datapoints occur. plotBands: Array(3).fill(7).map( (weekendOffset, week) => { const from = weekendOffset * (week + 1), to = from - 1; return { from, to, color: '#BBBAC5' }; } ), ...monthExtremes, ...noLabelProp }, { pane: 2, tickAmount: 4, tickInterval: 0.5, gridLineWidth: 0, lineWidth: 0, ...weekExtremes, ...noLabelProp }], yAxis: [{ pane: 0, gridLineWidth: 0.5, gridLineDashStyle: 'longdash', tickInterval: 1, title: null, ...noLabelProp, min: 1, max: 3 }, { pane: 1, reversed: true, gridLineWidth: 0, tickInterval: 100, min: 0, max: 400, title: null, ...noLabelProp }, { pane: 2, tickInterval: 0.25, gridLineWidth: 0, gridLineColor: colors[1].brighten(0.05).get('rgba'), min: -3, max: 1, title: null, ...noLabelProp }], legend: { enabled: true, floating: true, layout: 'vertical', verticalAlign: 'center', align: 'center', backgroundColor: '#1f1836', borderRadius: 14, borderColor: 'transparent', borderWidth: 0, lineHeight: 8, itemStyle: { color: '#FFF', fontSize: '0.8em' }, itemHoverStyle: { color: '#BBBAC5', fontSize: '0.9em' }, padding: 2, itemDistance: 0, symbolPadding: 8, symbolHeight: 8, width: '36%', maxHeight: '14%' }, plotOptions: { columnrange: { custom: { textSizeClass: 'small-size' } } }, responsive: { rules: [ { condition: { minWidth: 400 }, chartOptions: { legend: { lineHeight: 16, padding: 3, borderWidth: 0.5, itemStyle: { fontSize: '0.9em' }, itemHoverStyle: { fontSize: '1.1em' }, width: '34%' }, subtitle: { style: { fontSize: '1em' } } } }, { condition: { minWidth: 520 }, chartOptions: { legend: { borderWidth: 1, itemStyle: { fontSize: '1.1em' }, itemHoverStyle: { fontSize: '1.25em' }, width: '30%' }, subtitle: { style: { fontSize: '1.4em' } } } }, { condition: { minWidth: 600 }, chartOptions: { legend: { borderWidth: 1.5, itemStyle: { fontSize: '1.2em' }, itemHoverStyle: { fontSize: '1.4em' }, width: '26%' }, plotOptions: { columnrange: { custom: { textSizeClass: 'mid-size' } } }, subtitle: { style: { fontSize: '1.8em' } } } }, { condition: { minWidth: 680 }, chartOptions: { legend: { borderWidth: 2, symbolPadding: 12, symbolHeight: 12, itemStyle: { fontSize: '1.4em' }, itemHoverStyle: { fontSize: '1.6em' } }, plotOptions: { columnrange: { custom: { textSizeClass: 'large-size' } } }, subtitle: { style: { fontSize: '2em' } } } } ] }, series: [ ...teamSeries, { ...specialSeriesProps, animation: false, name: 'Month', type: 'column', data: weekLabels, xAxis: 2, yAxis: 2, borderRadius: 50, colorKey: 'x', pointWidth: 1.2, pointPlacement: 'between', enableMouseTracking: false }, { showInLegend: false, ...specialSeriesProps, animation: false, name: 'Total', type: 'columnrange', data: scoreData, xAxis: 1, yAxis: 1, shadow: false, colorAxis: 1, colorKey: 'x', borderColor: '#46465C', borderWidth: 2, pointPlacement: 'on', pointStart: 1, point: { events: { // Here we change our circle once again but this time // it is when the innermost column series is hovered. mouseOver: function () { const chart = this.series.chart; chart.setMidPaneBg({ backgroundColor: toggleableGradient, outerRadius: '75%' }); = 0; }, // We reuse our originally defined "setGradient" function // to reset the circles background when the mouse leaves // a hovered column. mouseOut: setGradient } }, // ...And here is the custom tooltip content for the columns tooltip: { headerFormat: ( '<span class="team-day center">' + '<span class="{series.options.custom.textSizeClass}">' + '<b style="color:{point.color};">Day {point.x}</b></span>' ), hideDelay: 0, pointFormat: ( asColFieldStr( '<b>Sales: </b><span>{point.high}</span>' ) + asColFieldStr( '<b>Average: </b><span>{point.avg}</span>' ) + asColFieldStr( '<b>Highscore: </b><span>{point.highscore}</span>' ) + asColFieldStr( '<b>Top earner: </b><span>{point.topEarner}</span>' ) ), footerFormat: ( '<i class="col-display-footer center">' + 'Week {point.week}</i></span></span>' ) } } ] });
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