Multiple KPI gauge
/** * In the chart render event, add icons on top of the circular shapes */ function renderIcons() { this.series.forEach(series => { if (!series.icon) { series.icon = this.renderer .text( `<i class="fa fa-${series.options.custom.icon}"></i>`, 0, 0, true ) .attr({ zIndex: 10 }) .css({ color: series.options.custom.iconColor, fontSize: '1.5em' }) .add(this.series[2].group); } series.icon.attr({ x: this.chartWidth / 2 - 15, y: this.plotHeight / 2 - series.points[0].shapeArgs.innerR - ( series.points[0].shapeArgs.r - series.points[0].shapeArgs.innerR ) / 2 + 8 }); }); } const trackColors = Highcharts.getOptions() => new Highcharts.Color(color).setOpacity(0.3).get() ); Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'solidgauge', height: '110%', events: { render: renderIcons } }, title: { text: 'Multiple KPI gauge', style: { fontSize: '24px' } }, tooltip: { borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: 'none', shadow: false, style: { fontSize: '16px' }, valueSuffix: '%', pointFormat: '{}<br>' + '<span style="font-size: 2em; color: {point.color}; ' + 'font-weight: bold">{point.y}</span>', positioner: function (labelWidth) { return { x: (this.chart.chartWidth - labelWidth) / 2, y: (this.chart.plotHeight / 2) + 15 }; } }, pane: { startAngle: 0, endAngle: 360, background: [{ // Track for Conversion outerRadius: '112%', innerRadius: '88%', backgroundColor: trackColors[0], borderWidth: 0 }, { // Track for Engagement outerRadius: '87%', innerRadius: '63%', backgroundColor: trackColors[1], borderWidth: 0 }, { // Track for Feedback outerRadius: '62%', innerRadius: '38%', backgroundColor: trackColors[2], borderWidth: 0 }] }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, lineWidth: 0, tickPositions: [] }, plotOptions: { solidgauge: { dataLabels: { enabled: false }, linecap: 'round', stickyTracking: false, rounded: true } }, series: [{ name: 'Conversion', data: [{ color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0], radius: '112%', innerRadius: '88%', y: 80 }], custom: { icon: 'filter', iconColor: '#303030' } }, { name: 'Engagement', data: [{ color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1], radius: '87%', innerRadius: '63%', y: 65 }], custom: { icon: 'comments-o', iconColor: '#ffffff' } }, { name: 'Feedback', data: [{ color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2], radius: '62%', innerRadius: '38%', y: 50 }], custom: { icon: 'commenting-o', iconColor: '#303030' } }] });
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