Fan chart
const colors = Highcharts.getOptions().colors; // Create the chart Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'arearange', zooming: { type: 'x' } }, title: { text: 'EU GDP' }, subtitle: { text: '<a href="" target="_blank">European Economic Forecast, Spring 2023</a>' }, xAxis: { type: 'category', accessibility: { rangeDescription: 'Range: 2022 to 2024.' }, min: 1, max: 12, endOnTick: false, plotBands: [{ color: 'rgba(255, 75, 66, 0.07)', from: 5.5, to: 99, label: { text: 'Forecast' } }], plotLines: [{ dashStyle: 'dash', color: colors[4], width: 2, value: 5.5 }] }, yAxis: { opposite: true, title: { text: 'GDP change<br/>on preceding year' }, labels: { format: '{value}%' }, max: 30 }, tooltip: { crosshairs: true, shared: true, valueSuffix: '%', valuePrefix: '+' }, responsive: { rules: [{ chartOptions: { xAxis: { labels: { staggerLines: 2 } } }, condition: { minWidth: 540 } }] }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } }, arearange: { enableMouseTracking: false, states: { inactive: { enabled: false } }, color: colors[7], fillOpacity: 1 / 3, lineWidth: 0 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'EU GDP', type: 'line', data: [ ['2021', 5.4], ['Q1.2022', 5.7], ['Q2.2022', 4.4], ['Q3.2022', 2.6], ['Q4.2022', 1.7], ['Q1.2023', 1.3], ['Q2.2023', 0.6], ['Q3.2023', 0.6], ['Q4.2023', 1.1], ['Q1.2024', 1.3], ['Q2.2024', 1.5], ['Q3.2024', 1.6], ['Q4.2024', 1.7], ['2025', 1.7] ], zIndex: 2, color: colors[7], lineWidth: 4 }, { name: '1σ', data: [ ['Q1.2023', 1.3, 1.3], ['Q2.2023', -3.4, 4.6], ['Q3.2023', -3.4, 4.6], ['Q4.2023', -2.9, 5.1], ['Q1.2024', -2.7, 5.3], ['Q2.2024', -2.5, 5.5], ['Q3.2024', -2.4, 5.6], ['Q4.2024', -2.3, 5.7], ['2025', -2.3, 5.7] ] }, { name: '2σ', data: [ ['Q1.2023', 1.3, 1.3], ['Q2.2023', -7.4, 8.6], ['Q3.2023', -7.4, 8.6], ['Q4.2023', -6.9, 9.1], ['Q1.2024', -6.7, 9.3], ['Q2.2024', -6.5, 9.5], ['Q3.2024', -6.4, 9.6], ['Q4.2024', -6.3, 9.7], ['2025', -6.3, 9.7] ] }, { name: '3σ', data: [ ['Q1.2023', 1.3, 1.3], ['Q2.2023', -11.4, 12.6], ['Q3.2023', -11.4, 12.6], ['Q4.2023', -10.9, 13.1], ['Q1.2024', -10.7, 13.3], ['Q2.2024', -10.5, 13.5], ['Q3.2024', -10.4, 13.6], ['Q4.2024', -10.3, 13.7], ['2025', -10.3, 13.7] ] }] });
CoreArea charts
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