/** * This is a complex demo of how to set up a Highcharts chart, coupled to a * dynamic source and extended by drawing image sprites, wind arrow paths * and a second grid on top of the chart. The purpose of the demo is to inpire * developers to go beyond the basic chart types and show how the library can * be extended programmatically. This is what the demo does: * * - Loads weather forecast from in form of a JSON service. * - When the data arrives async, a Meteogram instance is created. We have * created the Meteogram prototype to provide an organized structure of the * different methods and subroutines associated with the demo. * - The parseYrData method parses the data from into several parallel * arrays. These arrays are used directly as the data option for temperature, * precipitation and air pressure. * - After this, the options structure is built, and the chart generated with * the parsed data. * - On chart load, weather icons and the frames for the wind arrows are * rendered using custom logic. */ function Meteogram(json, container) { // Parallel arrays for the chart data, these are populated as the JSON file // is loaded this.symbols = []; this.precipitations = []; this.precipitationsError = []; // Only for some data sets this.winds = []; this.temperatures = []; this.pressures = []; // Initialize this.json = json; this.container = container; // Run this.parseYrData(); } /** * Mapping of the symbol code in's API to the icons in their public * GitHub repo, as well as the text used in the tooltip. * * */ Meteogram.dictionary = { clearsky: { symbol: '01', text: 'Clear sky' }, fair: { symbol: '02', text: 'Fair' }, partlycloudy: { symbol: '03', text: 'Partly cloudy' }, cloudy: { symbol: '04', text: 'Cloudy' }, lightrainshowers: { symbol: '40', text: 'Light rain showers' }, rainshowers: { symbol: '05', text: 'Rain showers' }, heavyrainshowers: { symbol: '41', text: 'Heavy rain showers' }, lightrainshowersandthunder: { symbol: '24', text: 'Light rain showers and thunder' }, rainshowersandthunder: { symbol: '06', text: 'Rain showers and thunder' }, heavyrainshowersandthunder: { symbol: '25', text: 'Heavy rain showers and thunder' }, lightsleetshowers: { symbol: '42', text: 'Light sleet showers' }, sleetshowers: { symbol: '07', text: 'Sleet showers' }, heavysleetshowers: { symbol: '43', text: 'Heavy sleet showers' }, lightsleetshowersandthunder: { symbol: '26', text: 'Light sleet showers and thunder' }, sleetshowersandthunder: { symbol: '20', text: 'Sleet showers and thunder' }, heavysleetshowersandthunder: { symbol: '27', text: 'Heavy sleet showers and thunder' }, lightsnowshowers: { symbol: '44', text: 'Light snow showers' }, snowshowers: { symbol: '08', text: 'Snow showers' }, heavysnowshowers: { symbol: '45', text: 'Heavy show showers' }, lightsnowshowersandthunder: { symbol: '28', text: 'Light snow showers and thunder' }, snowshowersandthunder: { symbol: '21', text: 'Snow showers and thunder' }, heavysnowshowersandthunder: { symbol: '29', text: 'Heavy snow showers and thunder' }, lightrain: { symbol: '46', text: 'Light rain' }, rain: { symbol: '09', text: 'Rain' }, heavyrain: { symbol: '10', text: 'Heavy rain' }, lightrainandthunder: { symbol: '30', text: 'Light rain and thunder' }, rainandthunder: { symbol: '22', text: 'Rain and thunder' }, heavyrainandthunder: { symbol: '11', text: 'Heavy rain and thunder' }, lightsleet: { symbol: '47', text: 'Light sleet' }, sleet: { symbol: '12', text: 'Sleet' }, heavysleet: { symbol: '48', text: 'Heavy sleet' }, lightsleetandthunder: { symbol: '31', text: 'Light sleet and thunder' }, sleetandthunder: { symbol: '23', text: 'Sleet and thunder' }, heavysleetandthunder: { symbol: '32', text: 'Heavy sleet and thunder' }, lightsnow: { symbol: '49', text: 'Light snow' }, snow: { symbol: '13', text: 'Snow' }, heavysnow: { symbol: '50', text: 'Heavy snow' }, lightsnowandthunder: { symbol: '33', text: 'Light snow and thunder' }, snowandthunder: { symbol: '14', text: 'Snow and thunder' }, heavysnowandthunder: { symbol: '34', text: 'Heavy snow and thunder' }, fog: { symbol: '15', text: 'Fog' } }; /** * Draw the weather symbols on top of the temperature series. The symbols are * fetched from's MIT licensed weather symbol collection. * */ Meteogram.prototype.drawWeatherSymbols = function (chart) { chart.series[0].data.forEach((point, i) => { if (this.resolution > 36e5 || i % 2 === 0) { const [symbol, specifier] = this.symbols[i].split('_'), icon = Meteogram.dictionary[symbol].symbol + ({ day: 'd', night: 'n' }[specifier] || ''); if (Meteogram.dictionary[symbol]) { chart.renderer .image( '' + `@8.0.1/dist/svg/${icon}.svg`, point.plotX + chart.plotLeft - 8, point.plotY + chart.plotTop - 30, 30, 30 ) .attr({ zIndex: 5 }) .add(); } else { console.log(symbol); } } }); }; /** * Draw blocks around wind arrows, below the plot area */ Meteogram.prototype.drawBlocksForWindArrows = function (chart) { const xAxis = chart.xAxis[0]; for ( let pos = xAxis.min, max = xAxis.max, i = 0; pos <= max + 36e5; pos += 36e5, i += 1 ) { // Get the X position const isLast = pos === max + 36e5, x = Math.round(xAxis.toPixels(pos)) + (isLast ? 0.5 : -0.5); // Draw the vertical dividers and ticks const isLong = this.resolution > 36e5 ? pos % this.resolution === 0 : i % 2 === 0; chart.renderer .path([ 'M', x, chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight + (isLong ? 0 : 28), 'L', x, chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight + 32, 'Z' ]) .attr({ stroke: chart.options.chart.plotBorderColor, 'stroke-width': 1 }) .add(); } // Center items in block chart.get('windbarbs').markerGroup.attr({ translateX: chart.get('windbarbs').markerGroup.translateX + 8 }); }; /** * Build and return the Highcharts options structure */ Meteogram.prototype.getChartOptions = function () { return { chart: { renderTo: this.container, marginBottom: 70, marginRight: 40, marginTop: 50, plotBorderWidth: 1, height: 310, alignTicks: false, scrollablePlotArea: { minWidth: 720 } }, defs: { patterns: [{ id: 'precipitation-error', path: { d: [ 'M', 3.3, 0, 'L', -6.7, 10, 'M', 6.7, 0, 'L', -3.3, 10, 'M', 10, 0, 'L', 0, 10, 'M', 13.3, 0, 'L', 3.3, 10, 'M', 16.7, 0, 'L', 6.7, 10 ].join(' '), stroke: '#68CFE8', strokeWidth: 1 } }] }, title: { text: 'Meteogram for London, England', align: 'left', style: { whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textOverflow: 'ellipsis' } }, credits: { text: 'Forecast from <a href=""></a>', href: '', position: { x: -40 } }, tooltip: { shared: true, useHTML: true, headerFormat: '<small>{point.x:%A, %b %e, %H:%M} - ' + '{}</small><br>' + '<b>{point.point.symbolName}</b><br>' }, xAxis: [{ // Bottom X axis type: 'datetime', tickInterval: 2 * 36e5, // two hours minorTickInterval: 36e5, // one hour tickLength: 0, gridLineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)', startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, offset: 30, showLastLabel: true, labels: { format: '{value:%H}' }, crosshair: true }, { // Top X axis linkedTo: 0, type: 'datetime', tickInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000, labels: { format: '{value:<span style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: ' + 'bold">%a</span> %b %e}', align: 'left', x: 3, y: 8 }, opposite: true, tickLength: 20, gridLineWidth: 1 }], yAxis: [{ // temperature axis title: { text: null }, labels: { format: '{value}°', style: { fontSize: '10px' }, x: -3 }, plotLines: [{ // zero plane value: 0, color: '#BBBBBB', width: 1, zIndex: 2 }], maxPadding: 0.3, minRange: 8, tickInterval: 1, gridLineColor: 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)' }, { // precipitation axis title: { text: null }, labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, tickLength: 0, minRange: 10, min: 0 }, { // Air pressure allowDecimals: false, title: { // Title on top of axis text: 'hPa', offset: 0, align: 'high', rotation: 0, style: { fontSize: '10px', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2] }, textAlign: 'left', x: 3 }, labels: { style: { fontSize: '8px', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2] }, y: 2, x: 3 }, gridLineWidth: 0, opposite: true, showLastLabel: false }], legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { pointPlacement: 'between' } }, series: [{ name: 'Temperature', data: this.temperatures, type: 'spline', marker: { enabled: false, states: { hover: { enabled: true } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span>' + ' ' + '{}: <b>{point.y}°C</b><br/>' }, zIndex: 1, color: '#FF3333', negativeColor: '#48AFE8' }, { name: 'Precipitation', data: this.precipitationsError, type: 'column', color: 'url(#precipitation-error)', yAxis: 1, groupPadding: 0, pointPadding: 0, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' mm', pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span>' + ' ' + '{}: <b>{point.minvalue} mm - ' + '{point.maxvalue} mm</b><br/>' }, grouping: false, dataLabels: { enabled: this.hasPrecipitationError, filter: { operator: '>', property: 'maxValue', value: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '8px', color: 'gray' } } }, { name: 'Precipitation', data: this.precipitations, type: 'column', color: '#68CFE8', yAxis: 1, groupPadding: 0, pointPadding: 0, grouping: false, dataLabels: { enabled: !this.hasPrecipitationError, filter: { operator: '>', property: 'y', value: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '8px', color: '#666' } }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' mm' } }, { name: 'Air pressure', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[2], data: this.pressures, marker: { enabled: false }, shadow: false, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' hPa' }, dashStyle: 'shortdot', yAxis: 2 }, { name: 'Wind', type: 'windbarb', id: 'windbarbs', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1], lineWidth: 1.5, data: this.winds, vectorLength: 18, yOffset: -15, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' m/s' } }] }; }; /** * Post-process the chart from the callback function, the second argument * Highcharts.Chart. */ Meteogram.prototype.onChartLoad = function (chart) { this.drawWeatherSymbols(chart); this.drawBlocksForWindArrows(chart); }; /** * Create the chart. This function is called async when the data file is loaded * and parsed. */ Meteogram.prototype.createChart = function () { this.chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.getChartOptions(), chart => { this.onChartLoad(chart); }); }; Meteogram.prototype.error = function () { document.getElementById('loading').innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-frown-o"></i> Failed loading data, please try again ' + 'later'; }; /** * Handle the data. This part of the code is not Highcharts specific, but deals * with's specific data format */ Meteogram.prototype.parseYrData = function () { let pointStart; if (!this.json) { return this.error(); } // Loop over hourly (or 6-hourly) forecasts, i) => { const x = Date.parse(node.time), nextHours = ||, symbolCode = nextHours && nextHours.summary.symbol_code, to = ? x + 36e5 : x + 6 * 36e5; if (to > pointStart + 48 * 36e5) { return; } // Populate the parallel arrays this.symbols.push(nextHours.summary.symbol_code); this.temperatures.push({ x, y:, // custom options used in the tooltip formatter to, symbolName: Meteogram.dictionary[ symbolCode.replace(/_(day|night)$/, '') ].text }); this.precipitations.push({ x, y: nextHours.details.precipitation_amount }); if (i % 2 === 0) { this.winds.push({ x, value:, direction: }); } this.pressures.push({ x, y: }); if (i === 0) { pointStart = (x + to) / 2; } }); // Create the chart when the data is loaded this.createChart(); }; // End of the Meteogram protype // On DOM ready... // Set the hash to the URL we want to parse if (!location.hash) { location.hash = ''; } const url = location.hash.substr(1); Highcharts.ajax({ url, dataType: 'json', success: json => { window.meteogram = new Meteogram(json, 'container'); }, error: Meteogram.prototype.error, headers: { // Override the Content-Type to avoid preflight problems with CORS // in the Highcharts demos 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } });
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