Calendar Heatmap
const data = [{ date: '2023-07-01', temperature: 19.1 }, { date: '2023-07-02', temperature: 15.3 }, { date: '2023-07-03', temperature: 16.4 }, { date: '2023-07-04', temperature: 16.0 }, { date: '2023-07-05', temperature: 17.9 }, { date: '2023-07-06', temperature: 15.8 }, { date: '2023-07-07', temperature: 21.1 }, { date: '2023-07-08', temperature: 23.3 }, { date: '2023-07-09', temperature: 24.8 }, { date: '2023-07-10', temperature: 25.1 }, { date: '2023-07-11', temperature: 18.2 }, { date: '2023-07-12', temperature: 14.4 }, { date: '2023-07-13', temperature: 19.3 }, { date: '2023-07-14', temperature: 20.2 }, { date: '2023-07-15', temperature: 15.8 }, { date: '2023-07-16', temperature: 16.1 }, { date: '2023-07-17', temperature: 15.7 }, { date: '2023-07-18', temperature: 19.2 }, { date: '2023-07-19', temperature: 18.6 }, { date: '2023-07-20', temperature: 18.3 }, { date: '2023-07-21', temperature: 15.0 }, { date: '2023-07-22', temperature: 14.7 }, { date: '2023-07-23', temperature: 18.8 }, { date: '2023-07-24', temperature: 17.7 }, { date: '2023-07-25', temperature: 17.4 }, { date: '2023-07-26', temperature: 17.6 }, { date: '2023-07-27', temperature: 18.1 }, { date: '2023-07-28', temperature: 18.2 }, { date: '2023-07-29', temperature: 20.3 }, { date: '2023-07-30', temperature: 16.4 }, { date: '2023-07-31', temperature: 17.0 }]; const weekdays = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; // The function takes in a dataset and calculates how many empty tiles needed // before and after the dataset is plotted. function generateChartData(data) { // Calculate the starting weekday index (0-6 of the first date in the given // array) const firstWeekday = new Date(data[0].date).getDay(), monthLength = data.length, lastElement = data[monthLength - 1].date, lastWeekday = new Date(lastElement).getDay(), lengthOfWeek = 6, emptyTilesFirst = firstWeekday, chartData = []; // Add the empty tiles before the first day of the month with null values to // take up space in the chart for (let emptyDay = 0; emptyDay < emptyTilesFirst; emptyDay++) { chartData.push({ x: emptyDay, y: 5, value: null, date: null, custom: { empty: true } }); } // Loop through and populate with temperature and dates from the dataset for (let day = 1; day <= monthLength; day++) { // Get date from the given data array const date = data[day - 1].date; // Offset by thenumber of empty tiles const xCoordinate = (emptyTilesFirst + day - 1) % 7; const yCoordinate = Math.floor((firstWeekday + day - 1) / 7); const id = day; // Get the corresponding temperature for the current day from the given // array const temperature = data[day - 1].temperature; chartData.push({ x: xCoordinate, y: 5 - yCoordinate, value: temperature, date: new Date(date).getTime(), custom: { monthDay: id } }); } // Fill in the missing values when dataset is looped through. const emptyTilesLast = lengthOfWeek - lastWeekday; for (let emptyDay = 1; emptyDay <= emptyTilesLast; emptyDay++) { chartData.push({ x: (lastWeekday + emptyDay) % 7, y: 0, value: null, date: null, custom: { empty: true } }); } return chartData; } const chartData = generateChartData(data); Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'heatmap' }, title: { text: 'Day temperature in Oslo, Norway July 2023', align: 'left' }, subtitle: { text: 'Temperature variation at day through July', align: 'left' }, accessibility: { landmarkVerbosity: 'one' }, tooltip: { enabled: true, outside: true, zIndex: 20, headerFormat: '', pointFormat: '{#unless point.custom.empty}{, %b %e, ' + '%Y}{/unless}', nullFormat: 'No data' }, xAxis: { categories: weekdays, opposite: true, lineWidth: 26, offset: 13, lineColor: 'rgba(27, 26, 37, 0.2)', labels: { rotation: 0, y: 20, style: { textTransform: 'uppercase', fontWeight: 'bold' } }, accessibility: { description: 'weekdays', rangeDescription: 'X Axis is showing all 7 days of the week, ' + 'starting with Sunday.' } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 5, accessibility: { description: 'weeks' }, visible: false }, legend: { align: 'right', layout: 'vertical', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, colorAxis: { min: 0, stops: [ [0.2, 'lightblue'], [0.4, '#CBDFC8'], [0.6, '#F3E99E'], [0.9, '#F9A05C'] ], labels: { format: '{value} °C' } }, series: [{ keys: ['x', 'y', 'value', 'date', 'id'], data: chartData, nullColor: 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.2)', borderWidth: 2, borderColor: 'rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.2)', dataLabels: [{ enabled: true, format: '{#unless point.custom.empty}{point.value:.1f}°{/unless}', style: { textOutline: 'none', fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: '1rem' }, y: 4 }, { enabled: true, align: 'left', verticalAlign: 'top', format: '{#unless ' + 'point.custom.empty}{point.custom.monthDay}{/unless}', backgroundColor: 'whitesmoke', padding: 2, style: { textOutline: 'none', color: 'rgba(70, 70, 92, 1)', fontSize: '0.8rem', fontWeight: 'bold', opacity: 0.5 }, x: 1, y: 1 }] }] });
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