Audio boxplot
const chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { title: { text: 'Exam scores per class', align: 'left', margin: 30 }, subtitle: { text: 'Click each box to sonify on its own', align: 'left' }, sonification: { showTooltip: false, duration: 22000 }, accessibility: { landmarkVerbosity: 'one' }, legend: { enabled: false }, data: { csv: document.getElementById('csv').textContent }, xAxis: { crosshair: { enabled: true } }, yAxis: { max: 100, tickInterval: 25, title: { enabled: false }, labels: { format: '{text}%' } }, tooltip: { followPointer: true }, colors: [ '#8E4161', '#4F685F', '#A4604D', '#4C5270', '#6A040F', '#51574A', '#6F7D8C', '#824D5C', '#466365', '#7B6F72' ], series: [{ name: 'Exam scores', type: 'boxplot', medianWidth: 3, colorByPoint: true, stickyTracking: true, cursor: 'pointer', events: { click: function (e) { e.point.sonify(); } }, sonification: { defaultInstrumentOptions: { mapping: { pitch: { min: 'd2', max: 'c7' } } }, // 6 tracks: Name + one track for each data point in the box plot tracks: [{ type: 'speech', mapping: { text: '{}', rate: 2, volume: 0.3 } }, { mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'low' }, playDelay: 1300 } }, { mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'q1' }, playDelay: 1420 } }, { mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'median' }, playDelay: 1540 } }, { mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'q3' }, playDelay: 1660 } }, { mapping: { pitch: { mapTo: 'high' }, playDelay: 1780 } }] } }] }); document.getElementById('sonify').onclick = function () { chart.toggleSonify(); };
CoreAudio charts
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