Area Race Chart
const btn = document.getElementById('play-pause-button'), input = document.getElementById('play-range'), startYear = 1973, endYear = 2021; // General helper functions const arrToAssociative = arr => { const tmp = {}; arr.forEach(item => { tmp[item[0]] = item[1]; }); return tmp; }; function getSubtitle() { return `<span style='font-size: 60px'>${input.value}</span>`; } const formatRevenue = []; const chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { events: { // Some annotation labels need to be rotated to make room load: function () { const labels = this.annotations[0].labels; labels .find(a => === 'vinyl-label') .graphic.attr({ rotation: -20 }); labels .find(a => === 'cassettes-label') .graphic.attr({ rotation: 20 }); } }, type: 'area', marginTop: 100, animation: { duration: 700, easing: t => t } }, title: { text: 'Music revenue race chart' }, subtitle: { text: getSubtitle(), floating: true, align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle', x: -100, y: -110 }, data: { csv: document.getElementById('csv').innerHTML, itemDelimiter: '\t', complete: function (options) { for (let i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++) { formatRevenue[i] = arrToAssociative(options.series[i].data); options.series[i].data = null; } } }, xAxis: { allowDecimals: false, min: startYear, max: endYear }, yAxis: { reversedStacks: false, title: { text: 'Revenue in the U.S.' }, labels: { format: '${text} B' } }, tooltip: { split: true, headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 1.2em">{point.x}</span>', pointFormat: '{}: <b>${point.y:,.1f} B</b> ({point.percentage:.1f}%)', crosshairs: true }, plotOptions: { area: { stacking: 'normal', pointStart: startYear, marker: { enabled: false } } }, annotations: [ { labelOptions: { borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: undefined, verticalAlign: 'middle', allowOverlap: true, style: { pointerEvents: 'none', opacity: 0, transition: 'opacity 500ms' } }, labels: [ { text: 'Vinyl', verticalAlign: 'top', point: { x: 1975, xAxis: 0, y: 1.45, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '0.8em', color: '#000' }, id: 'vinyl-label' }, { text: 'LP-EP', point: { x: 1980, xAxis: 0, y: 0.2, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '1.4em', color: '#ffffff' }, id: 'lpep-label' }, { text: 'Cass', point: { x: 1987, xAxis: 0, y: 2.6, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '1.5em', color: '#ffffff' }, id: 'cassettes-label' }, { text: 'CD', point: { x: 1999, xAxis: 0, y: 6, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '4em', color: '#ffffff' }, id: 'cd-label' }, { text: 'DL', point: { x: 2011, xAxis: 0, y: 4, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '1.2em', color: '#ffffff' }, id: 'dl-label' }, { text: 'Strm', point: { x: 2018, xAxis: 0, y: 5, yAxis: 0 }, style: { fontSize: '1.5em', color: '#ffffff' }, id: 'streams-label' } ] } ], responsive: { rules: [ { condition: { maxWidth: 500 }, chartOptions: { title: { align: 'left' }, subtitle: { y: -150, x: -20 }, yAxis: { labels: { align: 'left', x: 0, y: -3 }, tickLength: 0, title: { align: 'high', reserveSpace: false, rotation: 0, textAlign: 'left', y: -20 } } } } ] } }); function pause(button) { button.title = 'play'; button.className = 'fa fa-play'; clearTimeout(chart.sequenceTimer); chart.sequenceTimer = undefined; } function update() { chart.update( { subtitle: { text: getSubtitle() } }, false, false, false ); const series = chart.series, labels = chart.annotations[0].labels, yearIndex = input.value - startYear, dataLength = series[0]; // If slider moved back in time if (yearIndex < dataLength - 1) { for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { const seriesData = series[i].data.slice(0, yearIndex); series[i].setData(seriesData, false); } } // If slider moved forward in time if (yearIndex > dataLength - 1) { const remainingYears = yearIndex - dataLength; for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { for (let j = input.value - remainingYears; j < input.value; j++) { series[i].addPoint([formatRevenue[i][j]], false); } } } // Add current year for (let i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { const newY = formatRevenue[i][input.value]; series[i].addPoint([newY], false); } labels.forEach(label => { label .graphic .css({ opacity: input.value >= label.options.point.x | 0 }); }); chart.redraw(); input.value = parseInt(input.value, 10) + 1; if (input.value > endYear) { // Auto-pause pause(btn); } } function play(button) { // Reset slider at the end if (input.value > endYear) { input.value = startYear; } button.title = 'pause'; button.className = 'fa fa-pause'; chart.sequenceTimer = setInterval(function () { update(); }, 700); } btn.addEventListener('click', function () { if (chart.sequenceTimer) { pause(this); } else { play(this); } }); play(btn); // Trigger the update on the range bar click. input.addEventListener('input', update);
CoreArea charts
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