All instruments
const chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { title: { text: 'Audio Chart', align: 'left', margin: 15 }, legend: { enabled: false }, sonification: { duration: 9500, afterSeriesWait: 1100, events: { // Announce first series before playing beforePlay: function (e) { e.chart.sonification.speak('Revenue'); }, // Announce second series after first one ends onSeriesEnd: function (e) { if (e.series.index === 0) { e.series.chart.sonification.speak('Profit margin', {}, 150); } } }, defaultInstrumentOptions: { mapping: { playDelay: 750, // Give room for beforePlay announcement noteDuration: 400 } } }, chart: { events: { render: function () { // Force tooltip below point for last portion of 1st series this.series[0].points.forEach(function (point) { if (point.x >= new Date('2022').getTime()) { point.ttBelow = true; } }); } } }, accessibility: { landmarkVerbosity: 'one', point: { describeNull: false } }, yAxis: [{ top: '0%', height: '72%', title: { text: 'Revenue (millions)' }, lineWidth: 1 }, { top: '85%', height: '15%', offset: 0, title: { text: 'Profit margin' }, labels: { format: '{text}%' }, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 30, color: '#f6f7f8' }] }], xAxis: { minPadding: 0.04, maxPadding: 0.04, accessibility: { rangeDescription: '2017 to 2024' } }, plotOptions: { series: { states: { inactive: { enabled: false } } } }, data: { csv: document.getElementById('csv').textContent }, series: [{ type: 'spline', sonification: { tracks: [{ roundToMusicalNotes: false }] } }, { type: 'column', yAxis: 1, pointWidth: 30 }] }); document.getElementById('sonify').onclick = function () { chart.toggleSonify(); }; // Populate preset dropdown Object.keys( Highcharts.sonification.InstrumentPresets ).forEach(function (preset) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.textContent = option.value = preset; document.getElementById('preset').appendChild(option); }); document.getElementById('preset').onchange = function () { chart.update({ sonification: { defaultInstrumentOptions: { instrument: this.value } } }, false); };
CoreAudio charts
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