Climate data
Highcharts.setOptions({ chart: { styledMode: true } }); /* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-description */ const MathModifier = Dashboards.DataModifier.types.Math; const colorStopsDays = [ [0.0, '#C2CAEB'], [1.0, '#162870'] ]; const colorStopsTemperature = [ [0.0, '#4CAFFE'], [0.3, '#53BB6C'], [0.5, '#DDCE16'], [0.6, '#DF7642'], [0.7, '#DD2323'] ]; const tempRange = { minC: -10, maxC: 50, minF: 14, maxF: 122 }; setupBoard(); const KPIChartOptions = { chart: { height: 166, margin: [8, 8, 16, 8], spacing: [8, 8, 8, 8], type: 'solidgauge' }, pane: { background: { innerRadius: '90%', outerRadius: '120%', shape: 'arc' }, center: ['50%', '70%'], endAngle: 90, startAngle: -90 }, series: [{ data: [0], dataLabels: { format: '{y:.0f}', y: -34 }, enableMouseTracking: false, innerRadius: '90%', radius: '120%' }], yAxis: { labels: { distance: 4, y: 12 }, max: 10, min: 0, stops: colorStopsDays, tickAmount: 2, visible: true }, accessibility: { typeDescription: 'The gauge chart with 1 data point.' } }; async function setupBoard() { let activeCity = 'New York', activeColumn = 'TX', activeScale = 'C', activeTimeRange = [ // default to a year Date.UTC(2009, 11, 25, 0, 0, 1), Date.UTC(2010, 11, 25) ]; // Initialize board with most basic data const board = await Dashboards.board('container', { dataPool: { connectors: [{ id: 'Range Selection', type: 'CSV', options: { dataModifier: { type: 'Range' } } }, { id: 'Cities', type: 'CSV', options: { csvURL: ( '' + 'climate-cities-limited.csv' ) } }] }, editMode: { enabled: true, contextMenu: { enabled: true, icon: ( '' + 'dashboards-icons/menu.svg' ), items: [ 'editMode', { id: 'fahrenheit', type: 'toggle', text: 'Fahrenheit', events: { click: function () { // Change temperature scale. activeScale = activeScale === 'C' ? 'F' : 'C'; activeColumn = 'TX'; updateBoard( board, activeCity, activeColumn, activeScale, true ); } } } ] } }, gui: { layouts: [{ rows: [{ cells: [{ id: 'time-range-selector' }] }, { cells: [{ id: 'world-map' }, { id: 'kpi-layout', layout: { rows: [{ cells: [{ id: 'kpi-data' }, { id: 'kpi-temperature' }, { id: 'kpi-max-temperature' }, { id: 'kpi-rain' }] }] } }] }, { cells: [{ id: 'selection-grid' }, { id: 'city-chart' }] }] }] }, components: [{ renderTo: 'time-range-selector', type: 'Navigator', chartOptions: { chart: { height: '80px', type: 'spline' }, series: [{ name: 'Timeline', data: [ [Date.UTC(1951, 0, 5), 0], [Date.UTC(2010, 11, 25), 0] ] }], xAxis: { min: activeTimeRange[0], max: activeTimeRange[1], minRange: 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, // 30 days maxRange: 2 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, // 2 years events: { afterSetExtremes: async function (e) { const min = Math.round(e.min); const max = Math.round(e.max); if ( activeTimeRange[0] !== min || activeTimeRange[1] !== max ) { activeTimeRange = [min, max]; await updateBoard( board, activeCity, activeColumn, activeScale, false ); } } }, accessibility: { description: 'Years' } }, yAxis: { accessibility: { description: 'Temperature' } }, lang: { accessibility: { chartContainerLabel: 'Data range selector. Highcharts Interactive Chart.' } }, accessibility: { description: `The chart is displaying range of dates from 1951-01-01 to 2010-10-25.`, typeDescription: 'Navigator that selects a range of dates.', point: { descriptionFormatter: function (point) { return 'x, ' + Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d', point.x) + ', ' + point.y + '. Timeline.'; } } } } }, { renderTo: 'world-map', type: 'Highcharts', chartConstructor: 'mapChart', chartOptions: { chart: { map: await fetch( '' + 'custom/world.topo.json' ).then(response => response.json()), // NB! Workaround for issue #22144 (#21982) // "Map animation on zoom broken". Remove when fixed. animation: false }, colorAxis: { startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, max: tempRange.maxC, min: tempRange.minC, stops: colorStopsTemperature }, legend: { enabled: false }, mapNavigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'bottom' }, enabled: true, enableMouseWheelZoom: false }, mapView: { maxZoom: 4 }, series: [{ type: 'map', name: 'World Map' }, { type: 'mappoint', name: 'Cities', data: [], animation: false, animationLimit: 0, allowPointSelect: true, dataLabels: [{ align: 'left', animation: false, crop: false, enabled: true, format: '{}', padding: 0, verticalAlign: 'top', x: -2, y: 2 }, { animation: false, crop: false, enabled: true, format: '{point.y:.0f}', inside: true, padding: 0, verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -16 }], events: { click: function (e) { activeCity =; updateBoard( board, activeCity, activeColumn, activeScale, true ); } }, marker: { enabled: true, lineWidth: 2, radius: 12, states: { hover: { lineWidthPlus: 4, radiusPlus: 0 }, select: { lineWidthPlus: 4, radiusPlus: 2 } }, symbol: 'mapmarker' }, tooltip: { footerFormat: '', headerFormat: '', pointFormat: ( '<b>{}</b><br>' + 'Elevation: {point.custom.elevation}m<br>' + '{point.y:.1f}˚{point.custom.yScale}' ) } }], title: { text: void 0 }, tooltip: { shape: 'rect', distance: -60, useHTML: true, stickOnContact: true }, lang: { accessibility: { chartContainerLabel: 'Cities in the world. Highcharts Interactive Map.' } }, accessibility: { description: `The chart is displaying maximal temperature in cities.`, point: { valueDescriptionFormat: '{value} degrees celsius, {xDescription}, Cities' } } } }, { renderTo: 'kpi-data', type: 'KPI', title: activeCity, value: 10, valueFormat: '{value:.0f}m', subtitle: 'Elevation' }, { renderTo: 'kpi-temperature', type: 'KPI', connector: { id: 'Range Selection' }, columnName: 'TN' + activeScale, chartOptions: { ...KPIChartOptions, title: { text: 'Average Temperature', verticalAlign: 'bottom' }, yAxis: { accessibility: { description: 'Celsius' }, max: tempRange.maxC, min: tempRange.minC } }, states: { active: { enabled: true }, hover: { enabled: true } } }, { renderTo: 'kpi-max-temperature', type: 'KPI', connector: { id: 'Range Selection' }, columnName: 'TX' + activeScale, chartOptions: { ...KPIChartOptions, title: { text: 'Maximum Temperature', verticalAlign: 'bottom' }, yAxis: { accessibility: { description: 'Celsius' }, max: tempRange.maxC, min: tempRange.minC } }, states: { active: { enabled: true }, hover: { enabled: true } } }, { renderTo: 'kpi-rain', type: 'KPI', connector: { id: 'Range Selection' }, columnName: 'RR1', chartOptions: { ...KPIChartOptions, title: { text: 'Days with Rain', verticalAlign: 'bottom' }, yAxis: { accessibility: { description: 'Days' }, max: 10, min: 0 } }, states: { active: { enabled: true }, hover: { enabled: true } } }, { renderTo: 'selection-grid', type: 'DataGrid', connector: { id: 'Range Selection' }, sync: { highlight: true }, dataGridOptions: { credits: { enabled: false }, columns: [{ id: 'time', enabled: false }, { id: 'FD', header: { format: 'Days with frost' } }, { id: 'ID', header: { format: 'Days with ice' } }, { id: 'RR1', header: { format: 'Days with rain' } }, { id: 'TN', enabled: false }, { id: 'TX', enabled: false }, { id: 'TNC', header: { format: 'Average temperature °C' }, cells: { format: '{value:.1f}' } }, { id: 'TNF', header: { format: 'Average temperature °F' }, cells: { format: '{value:.1f}' }, enabled: false }, { id: 'TXC', header: { format: 'Maximum temperature °C' }, cells: { format: '{value:.1f}' } }, { id: 'TXF', header: { format: 'Maximum temperature °F' }, cells: { format: '{value:.1f}' }, enabled: false }] }, editable: true }, { renderTo: 'city-chart', type: 'Highcharts', connector: { id: 'Range Selection', columnAssignment: [] // Assigned on each city selection }, sync: { highlight: true }, chartOptions: { chart: { spacing: [40, 40, 40, 10], type: 'spline', animation: false, animationLimit: 0 }, credits: { enabled: false }, colorAxis: { startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, max: 50, min: 0, stops: colorStopsTemperature, showInLegend: false }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: true, symbol: 'circle' } } }, title: { margin: 20, text: 'Temperature and rain in the city', x: 15, y: 5 }, tooltip: { enabled: true, stickOnContact: true, formatter: function () { const name =; // Date const hdr = Highcharts.dateFormat( '%Y-%m-%d<br />', this.point.x ); if (name === 'Days with rain') { return hdr + 'Days with rain: ' + this.point.y; } // Temperature (names TXC, TNC, TXF, TNF) const temp = Highcharts.numberFormat(this.point.y, 1); return hdr + name + ': ' + temp + '˚' + activeScale; } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', dateTimeLabelFormats: { week: '%Y-%m-%e', month: '%Y-%m' }, accessibility: { description: 'Years' } }, yAxis: [{ title: { text: 'Celsius' }, accessibility: { description: 'Celsius' } }, { opposite: true, title: { text: 'Days with rain' }, accessibility: { description: 'Days with rain' } }], series: [{ id: 'Days with rain', name: 'Days with rain', yAxis: 1, type: 'column' }, { id: 'Average temperature', name: 'Average temperature' }, { id: 'Maximum temperature', name: 'Maximum temperature' }], lang: { accessibility: { chartContainerLabel: 'Cities in the world. Highcharts Interactive Map.' } }, accessibility: { description: `The chart is displaying maximal temperature, average temperature and days of rain.` } } }] }, true); const dataPool = board.dataPool; const citiesTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable('Cities'); const cityRows = citiesTable.getRowObjects(); // Add city sources for (let i = 0, iEnd = cityRows.length; i < iEnd; ++i) { dataPool.setConnectorOptions({ id: cityRows[i].city, type: 'CSV', options: { csvURL: cityRows[i].csv } }); } // Load active city await setupCity(board, activeCity, activeColumn, activeScale); await updateBoard(board, activeCity, activeColumn, activeScale, true); // Select active city on the map const worldMap = board.mountedComponents[1].component.chart.series[1]; for (let idx = 0; idx <; idx++) { if ([idx].name === activeCity) {[idx].select(); break; } } // Load additional cities for (let i = 0, iEnd = cityRows.length; i < iEnd; ++i) { if (cityRows[i].city !== activeCity) { await setupCity(board, cityRows[i].city, activeColumn, activeScale); } } } async function setupCity(board, city, column, scale) { const dataPool = board.dataPool; const citiesTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable('Cities'); const cityTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable(city); const latestTime = board.mountedComponents[0].component.chart.axes[0].max; const worldMap = board.mountedComponents[1].component.chart.series[1]; column = (column[0] === 'T' ? column + scale : column); // Extend city table await cityTable.setModifier(new MathModifier({ modifier: 'Math', columnFormulas: [{ column: 'TNC', formula: 'E1-273.15' // E1 is the TN column with Kelvin values }, { column: 'TNF', formula: 'E1*1.8-459.67' }, { column: 'TXC', formula: 'F1-273.15' // F1 is the TX column with Kelvin values }, { column: 'TXF', formula: 'F1*1.8-459.67' }] })); cityTable.modified.setColumn( 'Date', (cityTable.getColumn('time') || []).map( timestamp => new Date(timestamp) .toISOString() .substring(0, 10) ) ); const cityInfo = citiesTable.getRowObject( citiesTable.getRowIndexBy('city', city) ); const pointValue = cityTable.modified.getCellAsNumber( column, cityTable.modified.getRowIndexBy('time', latestTime) ); // Add city to world map worldMap.addPoint({ custom: { elevation: cityInfo.elevation, yScale: scale }, lat:, lon: cityInfo.lon, name:, y: pointValue || Math.round((90 - Math.abs( / 3) }); } async function updateBoard(board, city, column, scale, newData) { const dataPool = board.dataPool; const colorMin = (column[0] !== 'T' ? 0 : (scale === 'C' ? tempRange.minC : tempRange.minF)); const colorMax = (column[0] !== 'T' ? 10 : (scale === 'C' ? tempRange.maxC : tempRange.maxF)); const colorStops = ( column[0] !== 'T' ? colorStopsDays : colorStopsTemperature ); const selectionTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable('Range Selection'); // Climate data for selected city const cityTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable(city); // Geographical data const citiesTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable('Cities'); const [ timeRangeSelector, worldMap, kpiData, kpiTemperature, kpiMaxTemperature, // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars kpiRain, // No need to update this chart selectionGrid, cityChart ] = => c.component); column = (column[0] === 'T' ? column + scale : column); // Update data of time range selector if (newData) { timeRangeSelector.chart.series[0].update({ data: cityTable.modified .getRows(void 0, void 0, ['time', column]) }); selectionTable.setColumns(cityTable.modified.getColumns(), 0); } // Update range selection const timeRangeMax = timeRangeSelector.chart.axes[0].max; const timeRangeMin = timeRangeSelector.chart.axes[0].min; const selectionModifier = selectionTable.getModifier(); if ( newData || !selectionModifier.options.ranges[0] || selectionModifier.options.ranges[0].maxValue !== timeRangeMax || selectionModifier.options.ranges[0].minValue !== timeRangeMin ) { selectionModifier.options.ranges = [{ column: 'time', maxValue: timeRangeMax, minValue: timeRangeMin }]; await selectionTable.setModifier(selectionModifier); } const rangeTable = selectionTable.modified; const rangeEnd = rangeTable.getRowCount() - 1; // Update world map const mapPoints = worldMap.chart.series[1].data; const lastTime = rangeTable.getCellAsNumber('time', rangeEnd); for (let i = 0, iEnd = mapPoints.length; i < iEnd; ++i) { // Get elevation of city const cityName = mapPoints[i].name; const cityInfo = citiesTable.getRowObject( citiesTable.getRowIndexBy('city', cityName) ); const pointTable = await dataPool.getConnectorTable(cityName); mapPoints[i].update({ custom: { elevation: cityInfo.elevation, yScale: scale }, y: pointTable.modified.getCellAsNumber( column, pointTable.modified.getRowIndexBy('time', lastTime) ) }, false); } worldMap.chart.update({ colorAxis: { min: colorMin, max: colorMax, stops: colorStops } }); kpiTemperature.update({ columnName: 'TN' + scale }); kpiMaxTemperature.update({ columnName: 'TX' + scale }); if (newData) { // Update KPIs await kpiData.update({ title: city, value: citiesTable.getCellAsNumber( 'elevation', citiesTable.getRowIndexBy('city', city) ) || '--' }); // Update data grid and city chart const showCelsius = scale === 'C'; // Update city grid selection await selectionGrid.dataGrid.update({ columns: [{ id: 'TNC', enabled: showCelsius }, { id: 'TNF', enabled: !showCelsius }, { id: 'TXC', enabled: showCelsius }, { id: 'TXF', enabled: !showCelsius }] }); // Update city chart const options = cityChart.chartOptions; options.title.text = 'Temperature and rain in ' + city; options.colorAxis.min = colorMin; options.colorAxis.max = colorMax; options.colorAxis.colorStops = colorStops; const tempUnit = showCelsius ? 'Celsius' : 'Fahrenheit'; options.yAxis[0].title.text = tempUnit; options.yAxis[0].accessibility.description = tempUnit; await cityChart.update({ connector: { columnAssignment: [{ seriesId: 'Days with rain', data: ['time', 'RR1'] }, { seriesId: 'Average temperature', data: ['time', 'TN' + scale] }, { seriesId: 'Maximum temperature', data: ['time', 'TX' + scale] }] }, chartOptions: options }); } }
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