Highcharts Version 11.1

Highcharts release 11.1

We are excited to announce the release of Highcharts version 11.1, packed with fantastic new features:

  • Tiled web maps
  • Heatmap interpolation
  • Mouse wheel zooming
  • Logic in string formats
  • Chart.getOptions

Let’s dive into what’s new and how it can enhance your data visualization experience.

Tiled web maps

One of the standout features in Highcharts 11.1 is the support for tiled web maps. Now, you can effortlessly incorporate map layers with tiles from popular providers like Open Street Maps, Esri, USGS, and even custom providers. You can create stunning and interactive maps by combining map shapes, lines, areas, tooltips, and other familiar Highcharts features. Check out the tiled web maps documentation to learn more.

Heatmap interpolation

Visualize data with precision thanks to the new heatmap interpolation option. Now, the Highcharts Maps library allows you to display smooth heatmaps of various data sets. Whether you want to represent website areas of interest, temperature fluctuations, or any other spatially distributed data, Highcharts’ interpolation capability has got you covered. Stay tuned for upcoming updates extending this feature to geo heatmaps, allowing you to visualize geographical distributions like never before. Learn more about how you can use Highcharts Maps heatmap interpolation.

Mouse wheel zooming

Mouse wheel zooming has always been part of Highcharts Maps, now we’re bringing the same convenience to other charts too. The mouse wheel zooming is implemented by default for Highcharts Stock charts, and you can easily incorporate this functionality into other charts by including the mouse wheel zoom module.

A gif to show the new mouse wheel zooming effect on Highcharts line chart

Logic in string formats

Format strings now support simple logic like #if and #each, through templating syntax inspired by Handlebars and Mustache. With this enhancement, you can reduce the reliance on formatter callbacks in your chart configurations. Enjoy benefits such as JSON-compatible configurations that seamlessly integrate with other programming languages, complete XSS safety, and compatibility with our featured export server. Read more in the documentation article for templating.

  tooltip: {
    format: 'Information {#eq point.x 0}{point.y}{/eq}'


Some internal refactoring also allowed us to provide a general Chart.getOptions() function. The function returns the currently applied options, stripped of default options to keep the weight down. It also considers changes made to the chart through updates, adding and removing series or axes, etc. Read more about Chart.getOptions().