Split Packed Bubble

Split packed bubble charts are used to visualize the composition of categorical data.
The demo below displays the top 25 automakers by market cap divided per continent. The Asian automaker is composed of more than ten manufacturers, whereas the American continent is composed of only four leading automakers.

Good to know


  • A split-packed bubble chart is an attractive and stylish chart.
  • A split-packed bubble chart is an effective choice to get a quick overview of the data displayed.


  • A split-packed bubble chart visualization can make it difficult for an audience to get a detailed view.
  • A split-packed bubble chart with too many datasets could be difficult to read.


A split-packed bubble chart as any chart can be created to suit the color-blind community (see below). Nevertheless, due to the split-packed bubble fancy dynamic animation feature, the monochrome method is the optimum accessibility option.


Learn more about how to create a packed bubble split.