Hi all.
Currently I am trying to display time data on a xAxis (type: "datetime") with multiple ‘line’ and ‘column’ series.
Both the 'line' and 'column' series have data every 15 minutes. However, I need the ‘line’ series to plot the data every 15 minutes and the ‘column’ series to accumulate (sum) the data over a day and plot it as a column day by day.
Currently I can code Highcharts so that when only the 'column' data is displayed (by disabling any 'line' series by clicking on the appropriate legend) any columns data group together to display the information as a column over a day.
This is achieved by adding the dataGrouping code to any ‘column’ series JSON.
- dataGrouping: {enabled: true, forced: true, lastAnchor: "middle", units: [["day", [1]]]}
However as soon as any ‘series’ data is introduced (by enabling the ‘column’ series by clicking on the legend enable) the ‘columns’ series defaults to a day, losing the dataGrouping function of the ‘column’ series.
Is it at all possible to have Highcharts display different data grouping types on different types of series?