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cellDestroyed event not working

I am working on a requirement where i should be able to save the dashboard configurations if a cell is destroyed from the dashboard. But I am not able to capture the cell destroyed event. Here are some of my findings-
1. If I delete a cell from a row that has more than one cells, then the layoutChanged event is triggered.
2. If there is only one cell in a row and that cell is deleted, none of the events are getting triggered.
Here is the link to fiddle -

Would appreciate a quick response.
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Re: cellDestroyed event not working


Welcome to our forum and thanks for the question!

In your code you are trying to catch the `cellDestroyed` event as independent one, but it doesn't exist. Instead, catch the `layoutChanged` event and check if its type is `cellDestroyed`, like in the demo below. See the docs: ... ode-events


I hope it was helpful!

Best regards,
Dawid Draguła
Highcharts Developer

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