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Line disappears after multiple zooms


Try and do this on the fiddle below:
  • Keep zooming the line on the x-axis position = 1. After you have made multiple zooms (10-15 zooms) then suddenly the line disappears
If I remove the three series making dots and just keep the series making the line, then zooming is working just fine. So the bug seems to be related to the three dots-series.

Why is the line suddenly gone after 10-15 zooms?
Is it a bug in highchart component or am I doing something wrong.

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Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

hey egholm, thanks for reaching out!
I couldn't reproduce your issue. Could you record a video or provide some more detailed reproduction steps? Thanks!
Paweł Lysy
Highcharts Developer
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Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

Hej Pawelys

I have created a video, but I can't comprese it to max 256 kb (which is your limit)
Can I sent it to you in another way?

Kind regards
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Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

You can upload it to youtube :D
Paweł Lysy
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Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

Hey, everything still works properly on my end, so I've got a couple of ideas what might be the thing:

The `minRange` (https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.minRange) is an option for limiting the amount of zooming on a given axis.

Paweł Lysy
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Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

Could you also provide some details about your environment such as os type and version and browser type and version? That would be helpful!
Paweł Lysy
Highcharts Developer
[email protected]
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:52 am

Re: Line disappears after multiple zooms

My OS is Windows 10
And the chart is tested on Chrome 131.0.6778.110 and Edge 131.0.2903.70

I tried playing around with minRange, but it didn't help.

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