I am trying to implement a logic for downloading multiple charts in the same PDF.
Trying to test the implementation, I was blocked:
I am still blocked, can you help me?Sorry, you have been blocked
Your are unable to access export.highcharts.com
Why have I been blocked?
Most likely your request lack the required HTTP referer and user-agent headers. Also, chart configurations that fail to render properly, excessive requests ("hammering") and similar will result in progressively longer periods of blocking.
What can I do to resolve this?
First of all check your headers, and also read our Fair Usage Policy to make sure your usage is not significantly above expected levels. Blocking is based on your IP, which may be shared, so blocking might not be caused by your actions.
My ip:
Also, how can I implement the feature I described above without getting blocked?
Code: Select all
Highcharts.chart('container', {
// Existing chart options
exporting: {
buttons: {
contextButton: {
menuItems: [
'downloadPNG', // Standard download options
text: 'Export All Charts',
onclick: function () {
// Logic to export all charts
Highcharts.charts.forEach(function (chart, index) {
if (chart) {
type: 'application/pdf', // Change format as needed
filename: `chart-${index + 1}`
// Other chart configurations