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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:12 am

Unblock IP


I am trying to implement a logic for downloading multiple charts in the same PDF.
Trying to test the implementation, I was blocked:
Sorry, you have been blocked
Your are unable to access
Why have I been blocked?
Most likely your request lack the required HTTP referer and user-agent headers. Also, chart configurations that fail to render properly, excessive requests ("hammering") and similar will result in progressively longer periods of blocking.

What can I do to resolve this?
First of all check your headers, and also read our Fair Usage Policy to make sure your usage is not significantly above expected levels. Blocking is based on your IP, which may be shared, so blocking might not be caused by your actions.
I am still blocked, can you help me?
My ip:

Also, how can I implement the feature I described above without getting blocked?

Code: Select all

Highcharts.chart('container', {
    // Existing chart options
    exporting: {
        buttons: {
            contextButton: {
                menuItems: [
                    'downloadPNG', // Standard download options
                        text: 'Export All Charts',
                        onclick: function () {
                            // Logic to export all charts
                            Highcharts.charts.forEach(function (chart, index) {
                                if (chart) {
                                        type: 'application/pdf', // Change format as needed
                                        filename: `chart-${index + 1}`
    // Other chart configurations
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Posts: 1543
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:45 am

Re: Unblock IP


Welcome to our forum & thanks for the question!

I would suggest you set up your own export server, following this guide:

Then, you will be able to adjust rate limiting and blocking rules based fully on your needs.

I'm afraid that I can't really help you with this particular use case and not getting blocked as you're trying to import multiple charts at the same time. Please refer to our latest Fair Usage Policy.

Alternatively, you can switch to offline (client-side) exporting with our offline-exporting.js module described here: ... ide-export

Please let me know which approach works for you best and I can guide you further :)

Best regards!
Highcharts Developer
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:12 am

Re: Unblock IP


So, now, even a simple download doesn't work anymore. I talked, on email, with somebody from the support, but I didn't manage to understand how to add referrer header while working on my dev environment (localhost).
I still need some clarifications about how to use it on my machine.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:12 am

Re: Unblock IP

Another question: is there any limitation using offline-exporting.js?
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Posts: 1543
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:45 am

Re: Unblock IP

Hi @SebiBurchi,

There is no limit on offline-exporting.js when it comes to the number of exports as it's a fully client-side solution - you can export as many charts as your browser can handle. However, a few features (like some fonts in PDF exports) may not work ideally. For a full list of limititations when it comes to PDF exports you can refer to this link: ... ide-export

When it comes to the referrer header, it should be automatically attached by your browser. If requests do not work it means that you are most likely blocked ( ... mer-export).

Best regards!
Highcharts Developer

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