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Gantt Chart Scroll Functionality in HighCharts with Range Selector

I'm using the Highcharts library to create a Gantt Chart and I'm running into some issues with the scrollbar. I have a suspicion that this might have something to do with the number of records I'm passing to the gantt chart since I'm not observing this issue when I'm passing fewer records to the chart.

I'm using the rangeSelector to add a time granularity component and it seems like the scrollbar only appears when I have "All" selected and it doesn't work for the other options.

Any idea on what might be causing the issue or how I can resolve it?
withoutScrollbar.PNG (39.67 KiB) Viewed 3115 times
withScrollbar.PNG (40.43 KiB) Viewed 3115 times
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Re: Gantt Chart Scroll Functionality in HighCharts with Range Selector


Thank you for getting in touch.

I assume you checked that there are enough data points to require scrolling for intervals smaller than 'All'. Without looking at the config, I cannot tell what could be the cause. Could you reproduce the issue in an online editor that I could work on?

Kind regards,
Highcharts Developer

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