I have a complex gantt chart with multiple points within each series, and multiple series overlaid on the same row with the y parameter.
The Yaxis is categorical with a grid table attached. Only a single series is shown by default, and the others are hidden on chart load, and selectable through the legend.
Is it possible to show only the y axis categories associated with the initially shown series, and dynamically updating as series are added/removed from the visible list?
For instance, I would like to hide category 1 when Series 1 is deselected in the legend in the fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/awm5y6zx/1/, show all categories when Series 1 and 2 are selected, and hide category 1 again when Series 1 is selected.
Note 1: I would move to treegrid with uniqueNames = true, but would like both series on the same "row" and am impacted by this bug: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=47851 (see https://jsfiddle.net/awm5y6zx/2/ for an example of treegrid)
Thanks in advance for your input.