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zoomType in Highcharts Core for Python

I'm having trouble setting "zoomType" for a chart created with .highcharts.Chart.from_pands(). I've tried adding it directly under chart_kwargs, option_kwargs and inside a "chart" key in both places.

I am able to get zoom enabled, if, after serializing to json and converting to a dict I update userOptions with {"chart": {"zoomType": "xy"}}.

Doing a ctrl+shift+f in the highcharts-core package, I do not see zoomType defined anywhere. Is there an alternate key I should be using? If so, where should I place it when creating a chart.
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Re: zoomType in Highcharts Core for Python


Thank you for contacting us with your issue!

The `zoomType` option is deprecated. Have you tried using the `zooming` option?
API: https://core-docs.highchartspython.com/ ... oming.html

Let me know if that is what you were looking for!
Magdalena Gut
Developer and Highcharts Support Engineer

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