Hi there. I'm wondering what the possible options are for styling the contents of a DataGrid component? Things like:
- left/center/right alignment of content in a column
- width of columns
- color of text
- hyperlinking of content
- perhaps excluding a header row entirely
Assuming that some of this type of styling is possible, it would be great to see an example that uses a connector to pull data for the DataGrid. As I've mentioned in another post (different question), I need to use connectors to populate our components' data, but in so doing I seem to be struggling with the setting of certain component options. Clearly it's just ignorance on my part, but in these early stages of working with Highcharts I find myself unable to replicate some of the component option-related functionality that I find in examples as most of the examples by far do not use connectors and that seems to make things just different enough that I'm struggling to get some of these "option" details sorted out.
I'll include snapshots of some relevant code that I'm currently using to try to make sure I'm not doing something horribly and obviously wrong
Thanks again!