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Adding Text to a 3D graph

What would be the best way to have some text appear in a 3D graph?
I want to have a "R" and an "L" to denote left and right in a graph.

If there isnt a nice way of doing, is it possible to set a custom shape for a marker, where the shape goes to a url of an image of "R" and "L"?

Thanks, Paul
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Re: Adding Text to a 3D graph


Thanks for the question!

You can use the SVGRenderer, the question is do you mean 2D text or should this text also be displayed with a distortion presenting it as 3D one?

Best regards
Dawid Draguła
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Re: Adding Text to a 3D graph

Hi Dawid,

The text can be 2D however I want it to appear at a certain Z value, so in the graph. Ill try to figure out how to use SVGRenderer though.

Thank you.

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