Thanks for your response.
In your example, I am only able to scroll through 20-45 and not see the rest of the chart if I set the min/max at 20/45. Is there a way I am able to just see that amount of the numbers (25) at a time but still be able to scroll through the entire chart using the trackpad?
So in my chart, which I can't seem to reproduce in jsfiddle, when I set the range to Jan-Dec, I am only able to scroll through Jan-Dec and not see the rest of the chart. However, when I remove the min/max I can see the entire chart, but the entire thing loads at once, so I see more than one year's worth of information on one screen. You can see that in my attachment.
I want to see one year of information on the screen but also be able to scroll through the rest of the information using two fingers on the trackpad to swipe through it. The scrollbar feature, which does exactly what I want otherwise, does not allow a user to swipe through it on the trackpad.
To say it another way: when I have set the min/max to twelve months starting with today, I can use the trackpad to swipe through from today to 12 months from now but not through the rest of the information. I can use the scrollbar feature to get to all of the information, but I cannot swipe. Is there some way to limit the amount of information seen on the screen AND still be able to use the trackpad to swipe through all the information?
I understand if you can't help because I can't get the fiddle to work, but hopefully you at least understand what I want.
Here's my code in case it helps:
Code: Select all
chart: {
type: "gantt",
scrollablePlotArea: {
minWidth: 768,
scrollable: "x",
scrollPositionX: 1,
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function () {
const maxChars = Math.floor(this.point.shapeArgs.width / 7); // 7px is the average width of a character at an average font size
const truncatedOkr = this.point.okr.length > maxChars ? this.point.okr.substring(0, maxChars - 3) + "..." : this.point.okr;
return truncatedOkr;
yAxis: {
labels: {
style: {
color: "black",
font: "12px Power Centra, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans_serif",
categories: teamData.map(team => team.name)
xAxis: [
tickInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 1 month
min: new Date().getTime(),
max: new Date().setMonth(new Date().getMonth() + 11),
labels: {
allowOverlap: true,
format: "{value:%b}",
style: {
color: "#000000",
font: "12px Power Centra, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans_serif",
scrollbar: {
enabled: true,
margin: 0,
showFull: false,
units: [
tickInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
units: [[
labels: {
align: "center",
allowOverlap: true,
formatter: function AxisLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction() {
const providedLocalDate = new Date(this.value)
const realDate = new Date(providedLocalDate.getTime() + (providedLocalDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000))
const month = realDate.getMonth()
const year = realDate.getFullYear()
let quarterNumber;
if (month >= 0 && month <= 2) {
quarterNumber = 1;
if (month >= 3 && month <= 5) {
quarterNumber = 2;
if (month >= 6 && month <= 8) {
quarterNumber = 3;
if (month >= 9 && month <= 11) {
quarterNumber = 4;
return `<div style="font-weight:bold; color:black;">Q${quarterNumber} ${year}</div>`;
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:12px">{point.key}</span>',
'<br><span style="font-weight:bold">{point.okr}</span><br><span>{point.start:%b %e} - {point.end:%b %e}</span>',
series: teamData
`teamData` looks like:
Code: Select all
"name": "Transformers",
"data": [
"name": "First Objective",
"start": 1726545600000,
"end": 1729569600000,
"okr": "First Objective",
"y": 0
"name": "Transformer's Second Objective",
"start": 1765342800000,
"end": 1777435200000,
"okr": "Transformer's Second Objective",
"y": 0
"name": "Far out Objective",
"start": 1785902400000,
"end": 1793768400000,
"okr": "Far out Objective",
"y": 0
"name": "New Team",
"data": [
"name": "New Team's Objective",
"start": 1737003600000,
"end": 1743048000000,
"okr": "New Team's Objective",
"y": 1
"name": "New Teams's Objective 2",
"start": 1735707600000,
"end": 1753848000000,
"okr": "New Teams's Objective 2",
"y": 1
"name": "Another Test Team",
"data": [
"name": "Another Test Team's Objective",
"start": 1726545600000,
"end": 1733806800000,
"okr": "Another Test Team's Objective",
"y": 2
"name": "Another Test Team's Objective 3",
"start": 1739336400000,
"end": 1757476800000,
"okr": "Another Test Team's Objective 3",
"y": 2