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Joined: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:05 pm

Five Set Circle VENN

I'm trying to create a five set venn, but am unable to find any examples. Here's my attempt by modifying the 3 circle venn example

Here's an example image of what I am trying to achieve: ... sp=sharing
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Re: Five Set Circle VENN

Hello tre,

Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question!

What we provide officially is the 3-set Venn diagram: We already have a discussion about implementing the 4-set one:

Achieving the 5-set diagram as you mentioned, unfortunately, seems to be very tricky for now. I've prepared an example showing a similar structure: I think you should mainly base your solution on the value property, and adjust it to the nested elements.

Feel free to join the discussion on GH as the priority on features increases with the number of interested customers. Also, your solution can be very helpful in discussing potential implementations.

Sincerely apologize for the inconvenience,
Kind Regards!
Kamil Kubik
Highcharts Developer

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