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Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2022 6:47 am

Series position movement bug when panning charts

KakaoTalk_20220628_155124640.jpg (71.9 KiB) Viewed 91 times
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KakaoTalk_20220628_155107389.jpg (75.66 KiB) Viewed 91 times

I wish the oper series were at the bottom of the chart panning. But it comes up. :( :(
If the chart is selected and moved, the translate value loses the top setting and is set to the initial value.

Code: Select all

Highcharts.chart( chartKind+'Chart', {
		    credits : {
		    navigator: {
	        	enabled: false
			chart: {
		        panning: {
		            enabled: true,
		            type: 'xy'
			    zoomType: 'xy',
			    pinchType :'xy',
			tooltip: {
				enabled : false, 
				followTouchMove : false,
	            		shared: true,
			xAxis: {
			    type: 'datetime',
			    minTickInterval : 60 * 10000,
			    dateTimeLabelFormats : {
			    	minute: '%e. %b %H:%M',
			    	hour: '%e. %b %H:%M',
			    	day: '%e. %b %H:%M',
			    	enabled : true 
			    width: "95%",
			    offset: 10,
			 yAxis: [{
				  scrollbar: {
			            enabled: true
			        height: '90%',
					labels : {
						format: '{value:,.0f}',
					title : { 
						text : yTitle,
						offset: -20,
						align: 'high',
						rotation: 0,
						x : 0,
						y: -20
					endOnTick: true,
					tickPixelInterval : 50,
					zoomEnabled: false,
					categories : ["OFF","ON"],
					top: '90%',
				        height: '10%',
					gridLineWidth : 0, 
					title : { 
						offset: -10,
						align: 'high',
						text : "Oper",
						rotation: 0,
						x : 0,
						y: -20
					opposite: true
		    plotOptions: {
				series: {
					lineWidth: 1,
	                marker: {
	                    radius: 1
	                allowPointSelect: true,
	                states: {
	                    inactive: {
	                        enabled: false
	        series: seriesOption ,
		    responsive: {
		        rules: [{
		            condition: {
		                maxWidth: 500
		            chartOptions: {
Posts: 1164
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:48 am

Re: Series position movement bug when panning charts

Hello koi.nyhong!
Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question!

I know, that you have attached a chart configuration, but I am unable to reproduce your problem. You can check it here: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/8r9atu7d/

Could you reproduce the issue in an online editor that I could work on? You can use the editor from above.

I am looking for your response.
Kind regards!
Hubert Kozik
Highcharts Developer

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