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Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:01 am

Apply only left and right border to columns in graphs


As of now I'm putting border to a column that is applying completely all the sides, but i want to remove border of top and bottom of columns. Please help me to achieve this.
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Re: Apply only left and right border to columns in graphs

Hi there,

Highcharts are based purely on SVG, therefore on SVG elements properties like border-left, right, etc. do not exist.
But there is a 'hacky solution' for this one.
You can take a look at the Stack Overflow topic on how to add a partial stroke on SVG. I have also prepared a working demo for you, based on the SO solution.
First of all, you need to set a stroke on the rect element - for example in the CSS file, then manipulate the dashes breaks in JS, but to make it work, you have to turn off the chart.animation.

Stack Overflow: ... svg-shapes
API Reference:

If for some reason you would need to leave the chart.animation on, then I would suggest using Highcharts.SVGRenderer to render simple lines on columns that would act as a border. ... SVGElement

Do not hesitate to contact us in the future,
Best regards!
Kamil Musiałowski
Highcharts Developer

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