Posts: 62
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:20 am

Chart Legend Question

I have created two "boxplot" charts like the code and attached picture, but I want to create one unified legend. As in the second picture, there are two charts, is it possible to do the same by creating one legend? Thanks for letting us know.

Code: Select all

            Highcharts.chart('boxPlotFirst', {
                chart: {
                    type: 'column',
                    width: 150,
                    height: 300,
                credits: {enabled: false}, 
                exporting: { 
                    enabled: false
                title: {
                    text: ''
                xAxis: {
                    lineColor: '#000000',
                    tickColor: '#000000',
                    categories: ['VIX'],
                    labels: {
                        autoRotation: false,
                        overflow: 'allow',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                yAxis: {
                    gridLineColor: '#000000',
                    min: 0,
                    labels: {
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                    title: {
                        text: 'VIX index',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                legend: {
                    align: 'right',
                    enabled: true,
                    itemStyle: {
                        fontSize: '13px',
                        fontWeight: 'normal',
                        fontFamily: 'BLKFort-Book, Arial, Sans-Serif',
                        color: '#000000'
                tooltip: {
                    useHTML: true,
                    shared: true
                plotOptions: {
                    column: {
                        stacking: 'normal'
                series: [{
                    type: 'line',
                    name: 'test',
                    color: '#000000',
                    data: [[0, 10], [0, 75]],
                    marker: {
                        enabled: false
                    states: {
                        hover: {
                            lineWidth: 0
                    enableMouseTracking: false
                    name: 'Interquartile<br> range',
                    data: [25],
                    color: 'rgb(255,230,127)',
                    borderColor: '#303030',
                    pointWidth: 40
                    name: 'Q1',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    data: [25],
                    color: 'rgba(100,100,100,0)',
                    name: 'Median',
                    type: 'spline',
                    color: 'rgb(0,139,92)',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    lineWidth: 2,
                    marker: {
                        lineColor: 'rgb(0,139,92)',
                        lineWidth: 2,
                        radius: 9,
                        symbol: 'dash'
                    zIndex: 88,
                    data: [41]
                    name: 'Latest',
                    type: 'spline',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    marker: {
                        radius: 6,
                        symbol: 'circle'
                    color: '#ff754b',
                    zIndex: 99,
                    data: [36]
            // Second
            Highcharts.chart('boxPlotSecond', {
                chart: {
                    type: 'column',
                    width: 150, 
                    height: 300,
                credits: {enabled: false}, 
                exporting: { 
                    enabled: false
                title: {
                    text: ''
                xAxis: {
                    lineColor: '#000000',
                    tickColor: '#000000',
                    categories: ['MOVE'],
                    labels: {
                        autoRotation: false,
                        overflow: 'allow',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                yAxis: {
                    gridLineColor: '#000000',
                    min: 10,
                    labels: {
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                    title: {
                        text: 'MOVE index',
                        style: {
                            fontSize: '13px',
                            color: '#000000',
                legend: {
                    enabled: false,
                tooltip: {
                    useHTML: true,
                    shared: true
                plotOptions: {
                    column: {
                        stacking: 'normal',
                series: [{
                    type: 'line',
                    name: 'test',
                    color: '#000000',
                    data: [[0, 10], [0, 75]],
                    marker: {
                        enabled: false
                    states: {
                        hover: {
                            lineWidth: 0
                    enableMouseTracking: false
                    name: 'Interquartile<br> range',
                    data: [25],
                    color: 'rgb(255,230,127)',
                    borderColor: '#303030',
                    pointWidth: 40
                    name: 'Q1',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    data: [25],
                    color: 'rgba(100,100,100,0)',
                    name: 'Median',
                    type: 'spline',
                    color: 'rgb(0,139,92)',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    lineWidth: 2,
                    marker: {
                        lineColor: 'rgb(0,139,92)',
                        lineWidth: 2,
                        radius: 9,
                        symbol: 'dash'
                    zIndex: 88,
                    data: [41]
                    name: 'Latest',
                    type: 'spline',
                    showInLegend: false,
                    marker: {
                        radius: 6,
                        symbol: 'circle'
                    color: '#ff754b',
                    zIndex: 99,
                    data: [36]
화면 캡처 2022-05-19 161237.png
화면 캡처 2022-05-19 161237.png (6.6 KiB) Viewed 190 times
The picture above is a picture of my code working

What I want is a legend like the picture below.
화면 캡처 2022-05-19 162017.png
화면 캡처 2022-05-19 162017.png (11.47 KiB) Viewed 190 times
Posts: 1114
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:04 pm

Re: Chart Legend Question


You can use multiple X and Y axis to show two charts in one container with a linked legend.

Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/tfj9gxLa/
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/s ... m.linkedTo

Let me know if you have any further questions!
Best regards!
Michał Filipiec
Highcharts Developer

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