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JSON object for stacked bar drilling down to stacked bar

I am creating a stacked column highchart by using new Highcharts.stockChart('chartContainer',JsonObject) using a json object built on the server side using java. I need the stacked column highchart to drilldown to another stacked column chart on click. I have been able to construct the json object for a stacked column chart drilling down to a simple column chart (not stacked column chart). Need to know the format of the json object and how to construct the drill down series for stacked column chart. Please could you provide an example of the json object constructed and having the drilled down series for the stacked column chart and passed in as a parameter for Highcharts.stockChart() function.
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Re: JSON object for stacked bar drilling down to stacked bar

Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question!

I made an example based on this topic, you can read on to find out more.

Article how to process data: ... processing

Live demo:

Let me know if it's help you.
Best regards.
Sebastian Hajdus
Highcharts Developer

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