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Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:01 pm

slice multiple datasets in an variablepiechart


I have a variablepie-chart containing two categories of data, each catgeory containing about 5 series.

I now want to "highlight" a whole category by "extending" them like it happens in the "sliced" option for the chart.
But when I set the "sliced" option for several serieses each series is extended individually and sometimes it looks very ugly. So is it possible to group
serieses for slicing?

Annotation: The left of theses charts ( ) shows the result I want to achieve.

Best regards
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Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:15 am

Re: slice multiple datasets in an variablepiechart


Thank you for contacting us with your question!

It will be much easier if you could send me your code in an editor such as JSFiddle, then I will be able to tell you more specifically what you can do for your config. Here you can find a basic template:

Best regards!
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:01 pm

Re: slice multiple datasets in an variablepiechart

Okay, here is the JS Fiddle:

In this example I want to group the african countries so they extend as a single "group".
But as you can see, the Kongo and the other african countries each seem to be in a individual groups.
Does that help?
Site Moderator
Posts: 1433
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:15 am

Re: slice multiple datasets in an variablepiechart


Generally, in the case of your data where one of the pieces has such large data, it may be a problem to display them in this way. The sliced property works so that it does not change the size of the point but only changes its position, so that’s why you can't style these slices like that.

If you think this functionality could be useful then you can post your idea for Highcharts UserVoice: ... script-api

Best Regards

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